Friday, February 26, 2010

Make Sure You Wand Long Enough!

Ian Murray’s Personal Amega Wanding Testimony

Fri, Feb 26, 2010 at 9:12 AM - Reach me at

Make Sure You Wand Long Enough!

I have a long history of back pain. I'm 52

and 22 years ago I had a spinal fusion.

My back is generally 'pretty good' but I

have to be very careful what I do and

make sure I stretch and exercise

regularly. Still, I occasionally sleep in a

bad position or work bent over for too

long and have a period of a week to 3

weeks of trying to work it out. The past

couple of weeks has been one of these

times. The right side of my back got

strained and I have been going to my

chiropractor to get it worked out. I finally

got my wand last week and I got my wife

to wand my back on Sunday morning. She

did it for about 5 minutes. In that case

the pain went from about a 4 out of 10 to

virtually gone - maybe a 0.5. I then

drove for 3 hours which usually causes

enough stiffness to bring the pain back.

But this time, other than a little stiffness,

the pain stayed away.

Then yesterday I turned the wrong way

and the left side of my back 'went out'. I

think this is because I had not been doing

much stretching due to the right side

being 'out' and I was doing little to keep it

active and loose.

So this morning I got up at about 6:00 to

go to the bathroom. The pain on the left

lower part of my back was about a 4 out

of 10. The worst thing about it is not so

much the pain but the fact that I can't

stand straight and it puts a strain on other

parts. I had about another half hour

before I had to get up so I took the wand

back to bed with me and laid on my left

side. I used the wand on the stomach

side. Trying to wand myself from my

back side would cause too much twisting.

So at first I didn't notice much. I just

rotated the wand, pointing it through to

where the pain was. Then it seemed that

I would hit the spot causing the pain and it

seemed to move an inch or so. I would

then point the wand at the new location. I

continued to 'chase' the pain around until

it finally dissipated.

I want to point out here that this process

took about 15 to 20 minutes. We have

been hearing on the calls a lot that with

some peoples' experiences it took a

minute and a half or 3 minutes or 45

seconds. I know that if I had stopped at

any of those points, in this case, I would

not have gotten it all. The pain would

probably have been reduced but if I didn't

know better, I could have been left

wondering if this thing really works. But

after that 15 to 20 minutes, the pain was

almost 100% gone. All that was left was a

slight twinge if I turned a certain way.

Probably less than a 0.5, almost not worth

mentioning but I want to make sure I don't

exaggerate even 0.5%!

And the best part is that I am standing

straight so there is no strain on anything

else. So no pain, no strain! I am very

happy. What started out as another day

of pain and discomfort has turned into a

day full of promise.

My main point to this testimonial is do not

assume that you can necessarily wand

someone's pain and have the body let it

go in a minute or two. Give it enough

time. If it doesn't go away right away

keep at it. It might take 15 or 20 minutes

as it did in my case.

Have a wandaful day!


How to Upgrade

When you upgrade, you must click on Orders, then Orders/Upgrade, then Upgrade BC (Biz Center). If you did not do this, it didn't count as an upgrade.

The advantage of upgrading within 30 days is that this will qualify you to earn more commissions/daily in the Binary portion of the comp plan. 
As explained in the Comp Plan (see the link on the right):

Purchases up to $199, qualify you to make up to $300/daily in the Binary
From $200-$499, $400/daily
From $500-$899, $1200/daily
From $900 & up, $3600/daily

If you made a mistake & didn't click on Upgrade BC, I would think that it won't be counted as an upgrade. If you did, then they should honor that as an upgrade. Use the Messenger to contact Customer Support.

Also use the Messenger in your back office if you did not get your kit.

If you don't hear from someone within a few days contact your upline sponsor.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Recorded and LIVE calls

Here is a great link with recorded calls and numbers to dial in for LIVE calls.


Mercola Article on Glutathione...

This note is from a BA in our group:
Interesting article on regarding reversing aging .... he talks about studies in process showing that the telomere shortening may be stopped by increasing glutathione.  He's talking about using Whey Protein to do this ... but of course we have the DNA product. 
I hope some of this info (glutathione and anti aging) will be emphasized more in the presentations ... motivation to get on the auto ship.   I have listened to the calls about the DNA and sulfurophane etc.  I don't remember this info about the telomeres being mentioned.  It seems quite compelling to me.  Perhaps the science isn't totally there yet.
Comment: One of the big reasons MaxGL made a big hit on the market was due to the glutathione connection and its anti-aging powers. The products we have are even more powerful than what Max GL has. Remember, the DNA Food is a product that could push this company to the moon even without the wand. 

On a side note, it was the bracelet, not the wand, that built this company to over 600,000 reps in Asia, all by word of mouth and face to face Asian style networking. Perhaps we can learn something from them and get out of the office away from the PC screen and mingle with humans again! LOL

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Another Testimonial!

We're receiving some fantastic testimonials from the field and so we just have to share!
My mom received her want today so of course, we tore into the package (beautiful packaging, by the way, with a leatherette case for the wand and literature, including a little instruction booklet) and set the wand to use. While looking through the literature for a few minutes, I ran the wand over 1/4 of my face. My twin sister, who's also visiting, walked in afterwards, and asked what we were doing. I said, jokingly, "I gave myself a face lift. Can't you tell?" And she said, "YES! The cheek on your right side has more definition and is higher, plus the skin is tighter." We ran to the mirror, and she was RIGHT! And no one TOLD her what side I had treated!! We're 60 years old, so that's pretty AMAZING.
 Then, my sister wanted in on the action, so we spent a minute or so on 1/4 of her face. I thought she was KIDDING me, creating a half-smile, but she wasn't!! The results were there. One side of her mouth clearly was lifted. Then, without my sister looking, I treated 1/4 of our mom's face (she's 89), and had my sister see if she could tell which side was treated. She could! By using identical light shining on both sides of the face, the contours were clearly changed, and one side was definitely lifted. Pretty exciting!
 Our mom spent about a minute or two wanding her problem knee, and says she can really tell a difference. In her words, "My knee works better. It didn't really hurt before, but it just works better. That really IS a Magic Wand."


Thursday, February 18, 2010

It works! The Lemons!

Here is an email from one of my downline members...

It works!

I picked up a bag of lemons and brought them to the office where I had two co-workers.  I took one and cut it into 6 pieces 3 each.  I wanded 3.  We ate them and on a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being really sour the wanded ones were about a 4 to 5.  And we all agreed that the unwanded ones were a 9 to 10 !!!!

I am relieved.  But more importantly I am totally excited and ready to roll this out !

Ian M.

New Story!

This is an email to one of my downline after he wanded a friend.

Guess what!!!! My left thumb is basically pain free.......still a little bit certain ways I move it!!!!!!! Yeah, it's gone from an 8 to maybe a 2 or less. I also got logged on (# was held in my computer's mem) and have my Welcome letter printed off! Gosh - didn't realize I had my own WANT MY WAND NOW!!!!!! Now I'll try to track the progress......

Talk soon,

Monday, February 15, 2010

New Testimonial

Here's another Zero Point Energy testimonial from Richard D. Villanueva Sr.:

I've had severe neck and upper shoulder pain since 2002. Since then I have sought out all types of treatment: acupuncture, biofeedback, chiropractic, drugs and other therapies. After each of my four MRI scans, I was told by four different neurosurgeons that I needed to fuse four of my neck vertebrae with a wire cage or metal plates to fix the problem. I did not like my odds.

My pain was an 8-9-10; my range of motion was very limited. So I am currently taking Vicodin Plus, Neurontin, T.E.N.S. and acupressure. All give me some temporary relief, but no real feeling of "relief".

At the Ribbon Cutting Friday 1-29-10 (awesome people, awesome welcome) I was wanded by a BA in the hallway. My body felt some immediate improvement... not bad for a "quickie!"

About half an hour later I was sharing with another BA who had an AMWand, and was wanded again, two minutes. I felt a bit more relief and could move my head in all directions with little to some discomfort. That night I slept soundly for the first time in almost eight years.

The next day during the Saturday training (a real mind blower - fantastic "seeing" is "still not believing", wow! what the body can do when it is in harmony) I noticed throughout the day that my neck felt better and better, my range of motion was smoother and fluid. My body was feeling overall good. The ability for the body to return to its' normal state of wellness and harmony by using the AMWand to simply remind the body that it can return to its source is aaaamazing.

I feel it, I know it, I want it, and it is still tough to believe it - but I do. After the Saturday training and sharing, I felt my pain level reduced to a 1 or 2, from an 8-9-10. I am so very grateful. Thank you Amega,

Thank you.

Richard D. Villanueva Sr.


Sunday, February 14, 2010

New Conference Call Number

As we grow, we OUTGROW. As of now, you must call a different number for the conference calls that take place during the week.

The new number is 218-862-7200 and the Conference ID is the same: 387043

Find the new Conference Call Flyer on the right menu. 

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Signature Files

One way you can certainly get more people to listen to your audio is have a signature file with your Amega information in it.

Here is an example. You can have various versions.



First Last Name

()This Audio Will Knock Your Socks Off!()


First Last Name

Amega Global - Zero Point Energy Revolution!

Kuala Lumpur Wellness Center

()This Audio Will Knock Your Socks Off!()

Friday, February 12, 2010

My upline had a very constructive & informative call today with Amega CEO, Arun Kemer.

Mr. Kemer was very transparent & candid with us re: the current status of operations in North America, as well as plans for the future. We were encouraged by learning:

*Amega currently has a capacity to produce 60,000 AMWands monthly
*By February 20th, stock of the AMWand is expected to be at a level to ensure the ability to meet all future demand
*Amega is planning on using a fulfillment center for shipping in the near future
*4 Customer Service agents in the corporate home office in Singapore have been assigned to assist with responding to Messages from the Message function in the back office
*Additional Customer Service agents & other employees are being hired & trained for the Irvine, CA, office

We appreciate your patience during this difficult & trying transition period, and we invite you to continue to share with us your constructive feedback & suggestions for improvement.

“The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life. Attitude, to me, is more important than facts. It is more important than the past, the education, the money, than circumstances, than failure, than successes, than what other people think or say or do. It is more important than appearance, giftedness or skill. It will make or break a company... a church... a home. The remarkable thing is we have a choice everyday regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day. We cannot change our past... we cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude. I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it. And so it is with you . . . we are in charge of our Attitudes.” Charles R. Swindoll

Keep'n on keep'n on,

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Message from Management in the US

Hi Everyone,

I am still in the process of getting the email program set up, so I am sending this out from my corporate account. 

I have the VIP emails set up for the different Pin Levels and will have one staff member that will handle all of your requests. Each email will go out the appropriate Pin Level and your requests will be handled accordingly.

The VIP phone lines should be in place by tomorrow. I will send another announcement once they have been set up and we have someone to answer directly. I am aware that the moment that I announce these numbers, they will probably be over-run with calls, so please be patient as we settle into the new system.

We hired 3 more people today in Customer Service and Administration, and we have 4 additional Singapore Staff members answering the Messenger system, while we get caught up. Our Customer Service people must be trained before we release them to the field because we do not want any misrepresentation or to add to the frustration of speaking with someone that is not able to assist you or your team members.

I appreciate the support and I promise you that as we get settled in, these types of issues will become less and less common. We will continue to add team members so that we may accommodate your growth needs.

I will ask one favor because I had several people "stop-by" the office today requesting my personal assistance. I understand that everyone has a sense of urgency and wants everything TODAY, but please do not encourage new BAs or your prospects to stop by and ask for special treatment or demonstrations because it takes away from me being able to service you and the rest of the team. In the future, it will be great to accommodate walk-ins and special requests, however, right now, it is only slowing the process and causing further delays.

Thank you again for all of your support.


Calvenn Starre
VP Business Development, USA
Direct: (801) 278-8017
Cell: (310) 595-8422
Fax: (310) 494-9063
Skype ID: calvenn.starre

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

News from Upline...another success story


I just experienced another exciting day in the life of Amega!

My friend, Marcella, the owner of A Healthy Habit health food store here in Rockport, TX where I
live, invited me to visit a friend of hers with knee & back issues yesterday.

I explained a little about the company and the Zero Point Energy, then got right into wanding her
knee. She told me that she had had knee surgery on both knees, & that her MD had told her that if she continued having pain that she would need a knee replacement. She said that she had serious pain, especially in her left knee, so after wanding her for  several minutes I asked her to stand up to see how the pain was.

She stood up with a look of astonishment & said, "The pain is gone . . . I can't feel any pain." I asked her to sit down & stand up again, and once more she reported that "The pain is gone completely." After that she mentioned an area on her right hip that cause her a lot of discomfort, and after wanding for several minutes reported that the pain had gone away except for one spot.

After this, her husband said that he had fallen & thought he may have broken his right elbow several months earlier, for which he did not seek any medical attention whatsoever. There was a knot, the size of a large grape, on the right side of his right elbow, so after a few minutes of wanding, he stated that he could feel some tingling and heat in the area, and that it felt much better.

So we discussed how they could sign up as a BA, make $ by sharing this with folks they know, etc. As we were talking, the husband stated "The pain in my elbow is completely gone!", as he was moving & flexing his arm. He further stated that he never would have believed that the AMWand could have helped him if he did not experience it themselves.

Friends, we have something here that I believe is a gift from God, and I believe that we have a great responsibility to share this gift with as many folks within our sphere of influence as possible. What a privilege we have to be able to share this wonderful technology with others, and while doing so be able to help others, and our own families, with our financial health as well!

As a final note, let me personally ask you for a favor & seek to be patient with Amega as we go through this ramping up phase here in North America. I realize that it is frustrating at times attempting to contact Customer Service, but I'm in daily contact with Rick Fleshman & they are working night & day to streamline the operation. Believe me, this revolutionary technology and associated business opportunity is a thousand times bigger than the hiccups we're experiencing . . . As we look back as this experience at the end of 2010, when we're making Thousand$ monthly or even weekly, & having affected thousands of lives, I believe that we'll be delighted that we made the decision to stay the course. Let's remember that we're the leaders in Amega who are the pioneers here in North America . . . and it's the pioneers who reap the most gold.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Understanding Support Issues and More Testimonials

Here is a response to one of my people a little upset with customer service (who has had to handle 2500% growth in the US in 30 days!). I thought it would be instructive. We are in the right place at the right time. If it were all perfect we would be too late. 

I agree with you, Ian, that Amega's customer service leaves much to be desired. I'm frustrated as you are, but in the past week I've wanded a dozen or so folks & the results have been staggering.

Literally, just returned from a couple's house where I used it on the wife's left knee - pain 100% gone. Her right hip - pain about 70% gone. Husband broke his elbow a few months ago, but didn't go to the doctor. Had a big knot on the right side of the right elbow. Within a few minutes he felt tingling & heat in the elbow & after I stopped wanding, within 5 minutes said the pain was completely gone. He was very emphatic that he wouldn't have believed it if he didn't experience it. They're signing up in the business.

I speak with top management in the US daily & they are committed to do what it takes to bring things up to speed. It will take a bit of the pioneer spirit here as they ramp up, but hey, the pioneers are the ones who get most of the gold. ;-)

The Compensation Plan

Don't quite have a handle on how the Comp Plan works?
Go to & click on Opportunity, then Compensation Plan, then minimize this page.

in the upper right, then on the next page click on Compensation Plan Training Call - Jan. 13, 2010 at the bottom left of the page.

As soon as you have that Compensation Plan Training Call - Jan. 13, 2010 audio playing, bring up the
Compensation Plan page that you previously minimized so that you can follow along visually with the
audio training.

Still don't understand completely . . . ? No worries, here's how it works: The more people you send Sam's
audio to, the more folks will sign up & the more $$$ you'll make. It's as simple as that! ;-)
Balance your two legs at first to qualify and then watch ONE leg take off. Then put all your energy into building ONE leg down to infinity. 

When you join it is advantageous for future income potential to order more than $900 in product. The way people are desperate to get these you could sell all your stock at retail and make a profit right off the bat. 

So, it is not a big risk if you have the funds available. 

You will not have a problem moving the wands or amulets once people hear Sam's audio. 

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Requirements to Receive Commissions from Amega

There are 2 Requirements to receive Commissions from the Binary; you must be Active & Qualified.

1)  Active
You must personally purchase a minimum of 60 BV monthly (1 order of the AMFoodDNA) in order to receive commissions from the Binary & Team Generation Bonus. While it is not required to be on Auto-ship to ensure your 60 BV minimum purchase monthly, it is obviously the easiest, simplest & most convenient way to ensure that this requirement is met. If you are serious about your Amega business, Auto-ship is the only way to go. If you haven't done so, I suggest that you log into your Back Office, click on Orders, then Auto-ship & place your order today.

2) Qualified
To be Qualified, you must have a minimum of 1 personally sponsored Active BA in both your left & right leg of the Binary. If you haven't yet personally sponsored at least 1 Active BA in both legs of your Binary, contact your sponsor or upline Team Leader for assistance. We're hear to assist you in every possible way.

There is absolutely no reason to enroll a new BA into Amega without making it clear to them that they need to sign-up for Auto-ship as part of the enrollment process. Their order can always be changed, or cancelled, but to ensure that they receive Commissions, Auto-ship is a must.

While the AMWand is clearly the flagship product with Amega, the Monthly Autoship of the AMFoodDNA, or other products in the future, is the engine behind our monthly residual income. Be sure to place your Auto-ship order today to ensure that you never miss a commission.

Team Amega Chi Recorded Call (Feb 4, 2101)
Dr. Christine Houghton - AmFoodDNA
Playback #: 641.715.3404
Access Code: 908 958#

Saturday, February 6, 2010

You get what you pay for....

Below is an email that my upline sent out to one of our team members, who expressed a concern about other wands on the market claiming to be the same as Amega's AMWand.


I appreciate your concern that the Amega AMWand is being sold by others, since I also have seen what appears to be the same product that Amega markets at reduced prices.

I've been fortunate to have lived in Asia . . . in Hong Kong, Korea, & Indonesia, and have flown as a pilot around the globe. Particularly in Asia, knock-offs are common & are sold on every street corner. You can buy Rolex watches, Prada bags, Burberry scarves, etc for a fraction of their retail price.

Your new Rolex watch may fool your friends for a while, but eventually it will turn your wrist green. I've learned over the years that outward appearance can be deceiving . . . in people, as well as products. Sometimes all that glitters is not gold . . .

Amega has a $6,000,000 energy, wellness center in Malaysia ( that my sponsor, Simon King, has personally visited, as did Sam Adams. I also understand that they have plans to build a wellness center in southern California this year, as well as in countries around the globe. It seems that it would be a foolish business decision to spend this kind of money, if the technology Amega has is not exclusive.

Amega has assured us that their technology is proprietary and that the copy-cats are just that. We have MD's, Chiropractor's, DO's, Naturopath's, Massage Therapists, etc. in our group & they, as well as the rest of us, continue to see genuine life-changing results with the Amega AMWand.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with me.

Blow Your Socks Off Video!

Watch this video! It will blow your socks off again!

Call Links

Recorded Conference Call - Testimonials

24/7 Hour Recorded Telephone Call with Sam Adams
(920 112#)

Q & A Calls
Tuesday through Thursday
10am Pacific, 11am Mountain, 12Noon Central, 1pm Eastern
712-432-3100 (Pin 387 043)

Team Amega Chi Recorded Call (Feb 4, 2101)
with Dr. Christine Houghton - AmFoodDNA
Playback #: 641.715.3404
Access Code: 908 958#

In 30+ years of Network Marketing, I've never seen a business that is simpler or as easy to duplicate as this.
Nothing could be easier than to share these Recorded Calls with every living soul that fogs a mirror & simply sit
back & wait for those with ears to hear to get back to you for more information. When they call you back,
get them on a 3-way call with your sponsor or someone in your upline who has experience with the Wand.
It's a slam-dunk after that . . .

You're where you always hoped & wished you could be . . . Timing Is Everything & The Time is NOW!

We're here to support you in every way possible . . . Give me a call & let me know how I may be of assistance.

Friday, February 5, 2010

How To Get Help

The best method of receiving assistance is in the Amega Messenger System, located in your back office. Log into your CyberOffice and click on Messenger in the left bar. You will have the opportunity to express your Customer Support needs there. Even now there is a delay in our response to your messages in this system, but with our newly trained staff, we're catching up! We even have employees from our Singapore office answering these requests! We request that our leaders assist us in directing your team to Messenger.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Recorded Call

Here is as recorded with Chris from Australia. Listen to this to understand the nature of the DNA Food.

Playback Number: 1.641.715.3404
Access Code: 908 958#

Personal Story

Personal results from a new rep are detailed below:

I would like to share some objective results that I have experienced since I received my wand 2 just days ago. I had shoulder replacement surgery on Dec. 2, and had my humerus head replaced with a titanium endoprothesen implant. Along with that, the muscles and tendons that surround my shoulder had to be cut, in order to do the replacement. The aftermath of such surgery is usually very painful and the physical therapy afterwards is a long and difficult process.

   Well, I just now got home from physical therapy, after having my wand for just under 2 days. I had been wanding my shoulder several times each day since I got it, but was unsure of how to measure any results objectively. Well, when I was in physical therapy today, they were amazed at my progress. I was able to reach up to the 2nd notch from the top on a pegboard that they use, and I had never gotten near that high before.

Next, they had me reaching out and up, as if I was going to grab something on a shelf in front of and slightly above me. Previously, I had been barely able to do this, and my arm would move slowly and with great trembling. This morning, I just stood there, and kept reaching out and up, 1-2-3-4, one after another in quick succession. My physical therapist and her assistant stood there watching me with their jaws on the floor.

They asked me what I had been doing. I showed them the wand, and explained it as best I could to them, being careful to say that the zero point energy field from the wand was reminding the cells of my body to heal themselves. The physical therapist asked me to hand it to her, and when I did, she jumped, and said, "What is in that thing?" I asked her why, and she said that she could feel energy coming out of it. Now that surprised me, because I never felt anything come out of it, but whenever it got near her, she swore she could feel it.

   They were so enthusiastic about my progress that when they did the stretching and manipulation of my left arm and shoulder that they do at the end of each session, the assistant, who was doing the stuff to me, told me to wand myself while she was stretching me, because she felt that it was helping. She got my arm in vertical flexion to 140 degrees, which was much further than she had ever gotten it before. Then she had me wand myself while she held it there. In external rotation, she was able to get me to between 15 and 20 degrees past neutral, which was only about 5 degrees past where the physical therapist had been able to go on Monday, but that has always been the toughest one for me. She held me there, and had me wand myself again. She then said, half-jokingly and half-serious, that they were going to have to consider getting a wand for their clinic.

  Anyway, to make a long story short, I did get some very powerful objective evidence of improvement in my shoulder this morning. The physical therapist and her assistant were both very impressed and amazed at my progress since Monday, and I am greatly encouraged to see the evidence for myself of my body healing itself when the cells are reminded of their connection to the zero point field.


Jerry B.


Email from upline....

Just returned from my very first public demo of the Amega Wand . . . WOW!

Maybe a dozen, or so, folks showed up including a lady who was the mother of a female chiropractor, whose husband is also a chiropractor. She had sciatica pain into her right hip that her daughter & son-in-law had treated for 4+ years with no perceptible results.

I used the wand starting on the top of her head, down the front of her body including the major chakras, then her joints. Next I focused on the exact point where her pain was. In 10-15 minutes, she stood up with a glazed look on her face & said "The pain is gone!" So, she sits back down again & gets up (she said that this is when the pain is particularly bad) & says again with a look of bewilderment on her face, "The pain is completely gone!" Then she gives me a big hug and "thank you".

There are other exciting testimonials that I won't go into detail with here, but I just want you to know that We Have Hit THE MOTHER-LODE with Amega!

This is absolutely THE PERFECT STORM . . . 80 million baby boomers here in the USA, the great majority of whom don't have a clue how they're ever going to be able to afford to retire, with health issues that the "health" establishment has nothing for except to drug them up with toxic chemicals, and we're at the very forefront of Amega's SELF-CARE REVOLUTION.

If you ever wanted to be in the right place at the right time . . . YOU'VE ARRIVED! Timing Is Everything & THE TIME IS NOW. Turn off the TV, put away your silly toys, delete every email about another "deal", don't listen to another pitch on another opportunity, because We've Found It . . . or maybe It Found Us.

Are you in . . . or are you out? If not now . . . when? If not you . . . who? Let's join our efforts together and get the word out about THIS GIFT that has been placed in our hands. The greatest prophet who ever lived said "To whom much is given, much is required."

Send this audio out to every living soul that you know, & when you run out of folks, find some more.

You know that we're here to support you in every way possible . . . My hat's in the ring . . . How about you?

This is from my upline...
I want to share some information that I believe is worth a minimum of $1,000,000 to you . . . No kidding, No hype, this is the straight deal.

Did you know that if you wanted to create a $5,000/month residual income stream that you would need 1,200,000 in the bank earning 5% per annum? Let me ask you a personal question . . . do you currently have a minimum of $1.2M saved, and if not, what's the chance you'll ever have that much money in your lifetime if you continue to keep on keep'n on with what you're currently doing . . . ?

Well, I'm going to share a little Secret with you that will show you how to grow you're Amega business from the comfort of your home, sitting in your pajamas with a computer & a phone. And in 12 months time putting in 2 hours a day, 4 days a week, if you stay focused on Amega, I have absolutely no doubt that you'll create a minimum of a $5K/month residual income. For me, my personal goal is to reach $100+K/month by the end of 2010.

The excuse I hear over & over from folks is that they just don't have enough personal contacts and they don't have anyone to talk to. No worries . . . I don't have an endless stream of personal prospects either, but I never run out of folks to talk to because when I bring just one person into my business I start working with that persons contacts, then with the contacts of the contacts, etc.

So, here's the plan, & please, please do not share this with anyone else except those on our Amega team. ;-)

1) Search on Google for subjects like:
Holistic Practitioner Directory
Energy Medicine Practitioner Directory
Massage Therapist Directory
(You get the idea, use your imagination)

When you do, you'll find endless directories around the world such as,

2) Pick up your phone & smile 'n dial (I would suggest that you do not email/spam anyone)
Sample dialogue: "Hi, this is ___, in______; is Dr. Smith in?"
("This is Dr. Smith; what's this about?")
"I work in the area of Energy Medicine with a 5 year old Asian company utilizing
Zero Point Field Energy, and I found your name & contact information at (
Dr. Smith, I know you're extremely busy as I am, but the reason for my call is to ask for your permission to send a 1-time email with a short audio about how our Zero Point Field Energy products dramatically impact health & wellness. And, if you're like 99% of the folks I speak with, I know you'll find this information to be compelling & of great interest
("Sure, & thanks for asking permission first & not just spamming me; here's my email address,")
"Great! I've got your email as, is that correct?"
("That's it")
"OK, Dr. Smith, thanks for you time & interest; I'll send that email out to you right away. Keep your eyes open for an email that has a subject of 'Zero Point Field Energy - We spoke on the phone'. All my contact info, including phone numbers, will be in the email & I'm positive that the information you're going to hear on the audio is going to grab your attention! ;-) I look forward to hearing from you soon. Bye for now . . . "

If you get their voicemail, leave this message:
"Hi, this is ________, in ________ & I found your name & contact info at (
Dr. Smith, I work in the area of Energy Medicine with a 5 year old Asian company that utilizes
Zero Point Field Energy, and the reason for my call is to ask for your permission to send a 1-time
email with a short audio that will give you a clear explanation of how Zero Point Field Energy impacts a persons health & well being. 
And, if you're like 99% of the folks I speak with, I know you'll find this information to be compelling & of great interest. If you like what you hear, you can get back to me & I'll provide more info. If not, I promise I won't bug you again. ;-)
Please call me back at 999-999-0000, that's 999-999-0000) and if you reach my voice-mail, simply leave your name, phone #, and most importantly, your email address & I'll shoot out an email to you with the audio message right away.

If you like what you hear, you can get back to me & I'll provide more info. If not, I wish all the best to you & yours. ;-)

3) Send the email
I would suggest that you send the emails out individually & use the person's name.
Subject line: * * * Zero Point Field Energy - We spoke on the phone * * *
Hi Dr. Smith,
Here's a link to the audio message I promised I would send to you.
If you have a sincere interest in helping others to reach a state of homeostasis & well being, and I'm sure you do, I know you're going to find this compelling message to be of great interest. After you listen to the audio, get back to me & I'll fill in the blanks with more information.
(Be sure to include your name, phone number(s), Skype, etc)

4) When you hear back (via email/phone) from the prospect, email the following:
"Good to hear from you again, Dr. Smith. I'm including an attachment with the schedule for our Weekly Conference Calls, as well as a document that explains our AMized Fusion Technology

5) When the prospect indicates further interest, I suggest that you do a 3-way call with your sponsor, or someone else in your upline who is more knowlegeable or has more experience with the Amega product line. Simply ask,"Dr. Smith, do you have any questions that we need to answer for you before you decide to enroll with us and order some of our amazing Amega products?" Then, be quiet & wait for a response, and let the person you're doing the 3-way with answer the questions.

6) Enroll the prospect on your website
I suggest that you get on the phone & walk them through the enrollment process, explaining the benefits of coming on board at the Platinum level by purchasing one of the Bundle Packages.

And there you have it . . .There's certainly nothing magic about the exact wording above. Hey, you might be able to do a much better job in writing your own script, so simply take the concept above & fit it to match your own personality & style.

Friends, you can either make it happen, watch it happen or wonder 'what happened?' Isn't it about time you make it happen for you & your loved ones . . . ?

We've got a great team to provide whatever support you need to make this happen for you and your family.
I'm working up to 18 hours a day & am more than willing to do whatever it takes to assist you to reach that level of success for which you're willing to put in the time & effort. The ball's in your court . . . Are you in, or are you out?

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

re Amega's 2000% growth!

Howdy from Texas,

There's no doubt that we're knocking the cover off the ball in getting the word out about Amega's absolutely amazing, life changing products. Unfortunately, as many of you are aware, the company is having "issues" with Customer Service & shipping product out on a timely basis since they did not foresee this 2000+% growth in our first 30 days hitting them right between the eyes. ;-)

What's the solution? Well, you can call me and bitch & complain . . . but that probably won't do much good.

Probably makes more sense to contact the guys who are responsible & have the capability to make the changes to this operation. My sponsor, Simon King, and I have been on the phone with VP Marketing & Operations, Rick Fleshman & VP Business Development, Calvenn Starr, on numerous occasions, as well as speaking with CEO, Arun Kemer, for an hour this past Monday night. In fact, Simon has already booked a flight to Singapore on February 19 to once again meet with Arun personally after he arrives back in Singapore on the 17th.

Here's what I suggest . . . If you're having trouble getting through to Customer Service, and/or not getting a response after emailing or messaging them, I would suggest that you contact one, or all, of these individuals.

Rick Fleshman
Tel: 708.459.8420

Calvenn Starr
Tel: 310.595.8422

Sam Adams (Master Distributor)
Tel: 604.568.8207

Arun Kemer (CEO)

Now, here's some ground rules that I would suggest.

1) These guys already know that they've missed the mark in forecasting & planning for the growth here in North America, so don't just chew them out & lose your cool with them.

2) Calmly explain your situation, telling them that you've attempted to go through the normal channels to Customer Service & have had difficulty in receiving a response in a timely fashion. Then, let them know your particular issue/problem and politely ask them for their assistance.

3) If you have any constructive criticism and solutions that you'd like to share with them, once again politely give them your ideas. You can say something like, "Look, I don't know if you've considered this, or if it even makes sense, but here's something that I think could make an improvement in this area . . . " Let them know that you're on their side & want to make this happen for all of us, and you simply wish to have them consider the ideas that you feel would help make Amega a long term success. And then be sure to thank them for taking their valuable time to listen to you.

Folks, I have no doubt that this 5 year old company, with $100M in sales in 2009 & 600,000+ BA's is going to re-group, smell the coffee & make this happen. And I honestly believe that it will bring a measure of success to all of us, & millions more, who have hitched our wagon to Amega. If I didn't, I wouldn't be working 18+ hours a day
. . . I'd simply move on. But, I feel that I've got a responsibility to my family, Amega & the world to get these life-changing products out to the world.

Be patient, stick with us & let's make this happen . . . I believe you're really going to like the ride. ;-)

Thanks for listening,


Call Update

Team Conference Call
Thursday, Feb 4, 2010
9pm Eastern, 8pm Central, 7pm Mountain, 6pm Pacific
Dial-in Number: 1.608.649.1800
Access Code: 908 958#
Mute/unmute: *6

Be sure to invite your guests & please pass this info downline to all our team members.

Special Guest Speaker: Dr. Christine Houghton
B.Sc., Grad. Dip Human Nutrition, PhD,
Dip.Bot.Med., Dip Ac., Dip AAM.
Nutritional Biochemist & Clinician
Lab research, scientific review & clinical application for
Amega's AMFoodDNA headed up by Nutritional Biochemist
& Clinician in Nutritional Medicine, Dr. Christine Houghton

Call on Thursday

Once again it is our privilege to have Chris Neville, from Australia, as our guest speaker on our weekly Team Conference Call. 
Chris has an extensive background in the field of Energy Medicine & is highly gifted in being able to explain the technology behind Amega's products in terms that are clear and understandable to all.

Thursday, February 4th
9pm Eastern, 8pm Central, 7pm Central, 6pm Pacific
Dial-in Number: 1.608.649.1800
Access Code: 908 958#
(*6 to mute/unmute)

Be sure to pass this info along to all your team members.

We look forward to hearing you on the call Thursday evening.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Message from Glyn upline..


I just returned home yesterday from Irvine, CA, where I attended Amega's Ribbon Cutting at their new offices, as well as their training on Saturday. Approximately 200 folks showed up for the Ribbon Cutting on Friday, Jan 29th, with 300+ on Saturday.

There were people from the Philippines, Mongolia, Singapore, Europe as well as from across the USA. We were treated to demonstrations of the Wand with many participants from the audience volunteering to be "wanded". The results were truly astounding, and for many a life-changing event as the Wand assisted in bringing them into a state of homeostasis, or balance, with the result being less pain & discomfort, as well as increased mobility.

Amega was caught somewhat off guard by the incredible job you did in getting the word out about Amega & their life-changing products, resulting in an amazing growth of 2000+% in the first few weeks of 2010. As many of you are aware, this has resulted in the company's Customer Service being overwhelmed, and shipping of product delayed. I've been very outspoken to the company about these issues; in fact, Simon King & I were on the phone with Arun Kemer, CEO of Amega, late last night for approximately 1 hour, where we discussed many of these challenges. Arun assured us that Amega is making the necessary adjustments & bringing on additional staff members to ensure a smoother operation as we move forward to the official launch of Amega in the USA & Canada in April.

For those of you who dream big, the CEO $10K Challenge was announced, whereby it is possible to receive a $10,000 Bonus for earning a minimum of $10,000 in the month of February (for existing BA's), or for new BA's enrolling on or before April 15th, who earn $10K in their first 45 days. Hey, my hats in the ring on this one . . . let me know if you'd like to join me. If so, let's get on the phone together and make it happen! ;-)

Several enhancements were announced to the Compensation Plan, including increasing the Team Generation Bonus from 5 to 7 levels, and drastically decreasing the BV qualifications for the Mega Matching Bonus. See the website for details when the new Comp Plan is posted.

I believe that we have an opportunity to be part of a Self Care Revolution with Amega by sharing the wonderful product line with all that we come into contact with. For those of you who have the vision, we truly have a First Mover Advantage opportunity. Amega did $100Million in sales in 2009, and it was forecast in Irvine that the company's goal is to reach the $Billion mark in sales in 2012. Will you join me in this exciting & rewarding adventure?

I'm here to assist you in every way possible to reach that level of success that you're willing to work for & I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Warm regards,


Monday, February 1, 2010

Just launched in N. America

Amega just launched in N. America a few days ago. At this writing there is about 1500 people who have heard of this ground-breaking technology.

The company is solid and proven in Asia with over 100 Million in sales last year and over half a million distributors already. I think we can expect similar growth and success outside of Asia.

Come back often for updates and useful information.

I hope to make this a one stop link and resource finder for my team.


Welcome to the Painless Living Amega Success Team

This blog has been set up to be a team resource to team build our organizations in Amega.

None of my personal Amega links are on this blog. So, feel free to send your downline here to access quick generic links and team building support information.

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