Thursday, February 4, 2010


Email from upline....

Just returned from my very first public demo of the Amega Wand . . . WOW!

Maybe a dozen, or so, folks showed up including a lady who was the mother of a female chiropractor, whose husband is also a chiropractor. She had sciatica pain into her right hip that her daughter & son-in-law had treated for 4+ years with no perceptible results.

I used the wand starting on the top of her head, down the front of her body including the major chakras, then her joints. Next I focused on the exact point where her pain was. In 10-15 minutes, she stood up with a glazed look on her face & said "The pain is gone!" So, she sits back down again & gets up (she said that this is when the pain is particularly bad) & says again with a look of bewilderment on her face, "The pain is completely gone!" Then she gives me a big hug and "thank you".

There are other exciting testimonials that I won't go into detail with here, but I just want you to know that We Have Hit THE MOTHER-LODE with Amega!

This is absolutely THE PERFECT STORM . . . 80 million baby boomers here in the USA, the great majority of whom don't have a clue how they're ever going to be able to afford to retire, with health issues that the "health" establishment has nothing for except to drug them up with toxic chemicals, and we're at the very forefront of Amega's SELF-CARE REVOLUTION.

If you ever wanted to be in the right place at the right time . . . YOU'VE ARRIVED! Timing Is Everything & THE TIME IS NOW. Turn off the TV, put away your silly toys, delete every email about another "deal", don't listen to another pitch on another opportunity, because We've Found It . . . or maybe It Found Us.

Are you in . . . or are you out? If not now . . . when? If not you . . . who? Let's join our efforts together and get the word out about THIS GIFT that has been placed in our hands. The greatest prophet who ever lived said "To whom much is given, much is required."

Send this audio out to every living soul that you know, & when you run out of folks, find some more.

You know that we're here to support you in every way possible . . . My hat's in the ring . . . How about you?

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