Monday, February 8, 2010

Understanding Support Issues and More Testimonials

Here is a response to one of my people a little upset with customer service (who has had to handle 2500% growth in the US in 30 days!). I thought it would be instructive. We are in the right place at the right time. If it were all perfect we would be too late. 

I agree with you, Ian, that Amega's customer service leaves much to be desired. I'm frustrated as you are, but in the past week I've wanded a dozen or so folks & the results have been staggering.

Literally, just returned from a couple's house where I used it on the wife's left knee - pain 100% gone. Her right hip - pain about 70% gone. Husband broke his elbow a few months ago, but didn't go to the doctor. Had a big knot on the right side of the right elbow. Within a few minutes he felt tingling & heat in the elbow & after I stopped wanding, within 5 minutes said the pain was completely gone. He was very emphatic that he wouldn't have believed it if he didn't experience it. They're signing up in the business.

I speak with top management in the US daily & they are committed to do what it takes to bring things up to speed. It will take a bit of the pioneer spirit here as they ramp up, but hey, the pioneers are the ones who get most of the gold. ;-)

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