Friday, February 26, 2010

How to Upgrade

When you upgrade, you must click on Orders, then Orders/Upgrade, then Upgrade BC (Biz Center). If you did not do this, it didn't count as an upgrade.

The advantage of upgrading within 30 days is that this will qualify you to earn more commissions/daily in the Binary portion of the comp plan. 
As explained in the Comp Plan (see the link on the right):

Purchases up to $199, qualify you to make up to $300/daily in the Binary
From $200-$499, $400/daily
From $500-$899, $1200/daily
From $900 & up, $3600/daily

If you made a mistake & didn't click on Upgrade BC, I would think that it won't be counted as an upgrade. If you did, then they should honor that as an upgrade. Use the Messenger to contact Customer Support.

Also use the Messenger in your back office if you did not get your kit.

If you don't hear from someone within a few days contact your upline sponsor.

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