This is from my upline...
I want to share some information that I believe is worth a minimum of $1,000,000 to you . . . No kidding, No hype, this is the straight deal.
Did you know that if you wanted to create a $5,000/month residual income stream that you would need 1,200,000 in the bank earning 5% per annum? Let me ask you a personal question . . . do you currently have a minimum of $1.2M saved, and if not, what's the chance you'll ever have that much money in your lifetime if you continue to keep on keep'n on with what you're currently doing . . . ?
Well, I'm going to share a little Secret with you that will show you how to grow you're Amega business from the comfort of your home, sitting in your pajamas with a computer & a phone. And in 12 months time putting in 2 hours a day, 4 days a week, if you stay focused on Amega, I have absolutely no doubt that you'll create a minimum of a $5K/month residual income. For me, my personal goal is to reach $100+K/month by the end of 2010.
The excuse I hear over & over from folks is that they just don't have enough personal contacts and they don't have anyone to talk to. No worries . . . I don't have an endless stream of personal prospects either, but I never run out of folks to talk to because when I bring just one person into my business I start working with that persons contacts, then with the contacts of the contacts, etc.
So, here's the plan, & please, please do not share this with anyone else except those on our Amega team. ;-)
1) Search on Google for subjects like:
Holistic Practitioner Directory
Energy Medicine Practitioner Directory
Massage Therapist Directory
(You get the idea, use your imagination)
When you do, you'll find endless directories around the world such as,
2) Pick up your phone & smile 'n dial (I would suggest that you do not email/spam anyone)
Sample dialogue: "Hi, this is ___, in______; is Dr. Smith in?"
("This is Dr. Smith; what's this about?")
"I work in the area of Energy Medicine with a 5 year old Asian company utilizing
Zero Point Field Energy, and I found your name & contact information at (
Dr. Smith, I know you're extremely busy as I am, but the reason for my call is to ask for your permission to send a 1-time email with a short audio about how our Zero Point Field Energy products dramatically impact health & wellness. And, if you're like 99% of the folks I speak with, I know you'll find this information to be compelling & of great interest.
("Sure, & thanks for asking permission first & not just spamming me; here's my email address,")
"Great! I've got your email as, is that correct?"
("That's it")
"OK, Dr. Smith, thanks for you time & interest; I'll send that email out to you right away. Keep your eyes open for an email that has a subject of 'Zero Point Field Energy - We spoke on the phone'. All my contact info, including phone numbers, will be in the email & I'm positive that the information you're going to hear on the audio is going to grab your attention! ;-) I look forward to hearing from you soon. Bye for now . . . "
If you get their voicemail, leave this message:
"Hi, this is ________, in ________ & I found your name & contact info at (
Dr. Smith, I work in the area of Energy Medicine with a 5 year old Asian company that utilizes
Zero Point Field Energy, and the reason for my call is to ask for your permission to send a 1-time
email with a short audio that will give you a clear explanation of how Zero Point Field Energy impacts a persons health & well being.
And, if you're like 99% of the folks I speak with, I know you'll find this information to be compelling & of great interest. If you like what you hear, you can get back to me & I'll provide more info. If not, I promise I won't bug you again. ;-)
Please call me back at 999-999-0000, that's 999-999-0000) and if you reach my voice-mail, simply leave your name, phone #, and most importantly, your email address & I'll shoot out an email to you with the audio message right away.
If you like what you hear, you can get back to me & I'll provide more info. If not, I wish all the best to you & yours. ;-)
3) Send the email
I would suggest that you send the emails out individually & use the person's name.
Subject line: * * * Zero Point Field Energy - We spoke on the phone * * *
Hi Dr. Smith,
Here's a link to the audio message I promised I would send to you.
If you have a sincere interest in helping others to reach a state of homeostasis & well being, and I'm sure you do, I know you're going to find this compelling message to be of great interest. After you listen to the audio, get back to me & I'll fill in the blanks with more information.
(Be sure to include your name, phone number(s), Skype, etc)
4) When you hear back (via email/phone) from the prospect, email the following:
"Good to hear from you again, Dr. Smith. I'm including an attachment with the schedule for our Weekly Conference Calls, as well as a document that explains our AMized Fusion Technology.
5) When the prospect indicates further interest, I suggest that you do a 3-way call with your sponsor, or someone else in your upline who is more knowlegeable or has more experience with the Amega product line. Simply ask,"Dr. Smith, do you have any questions that we need to answer for you before you decide to enroll with us and order some of our amazing Amega products?" Then, be quiet & wait for a response, and let the person you're doing the 3-way with answer the questions.
6) Enroll the prospect on your website
I suggest that you get on the phone & walk them through the enrollment process, explaining the benefits of coming on board at the Platinum level by purchasing one of the Bundle Packages.
And there you have it . . .There's certainly nothing magic about the exact wording above. Hey, you might be able to do a much better job in writing your own script, so simply take the concept above & fit it to match your own personality & style.
Friends, you can either make it happen, watch it happen or wonder 'what happened?' Isn't it about time you make it happen for you & your loved ones . . . ?
We've got a great team to provide whatever support you need to make this happen for you and your family.
I'm working up to 18 hours a day & am more than willing to do whatever it takes to assist you to reach that level of success for which you're willing to put in the time & effort. The ball's in your court . . . Are you in, or are you out?
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