Personal results from a new rep are detailed below:
I would like to share some objective results that I have experienced since I received my wand 2 just days ago. I had shoulder replacement surgery on Dec. 2, and had my humerus head replaced with a titanium endoprothesen implant. Along with that, the muscles and tendons that surround my shoulder had to be cut, in order to do the replacement. The aftermath of such surgery is usually very painful and the physical therapy afterwards is a long and difficult process.
Well, I just now got home from physical therapy, after having my wand for just under 2 days. I had been wanding my shoulder several times each day since I got it, but was unsure of how to measure any results objectively. Well, when I was in physical therapy today, they were amazed at my progress. I was able to reach up to the 2nd notch from the top on a pegboard that they use, and I had never gotten near that high before.
Next, they had me reaching out and up, as if I was going to grab something on a shelf in front of and slightly above me. Previously, I had been barely able to do this, and my arm would move slowly and with great trembling. This morning, I just stood there, and kept reaching out and up, 1-2-3-4, one after another in quick succession. My physical therapist and her assistant stood there watching me with their jaws on the floor.
They asked me what I had been doing. I showed them the wand, and explained it as best I could to them, being careful to say that the zero point energy field from the wand was reminding the cells of my body to heal themselves. The physical therapist asked me to hand it to her, and when I did, she jumped, and said, "What is in that thing?" I asked her why, and she said that she could feel energy coming out of it. Now that surprised me, because I never felt anything come out of it, but whenever it got near her, she swore she could feel it.
They were so enthusiastic about my progress that when they did the stretching and manipulation of my left arm and shoulder that they do at the end of each session, the assistant, who was doing the stuff to me, told me to wand myself while she was stretching me, because she felt that it was helping. She got my arm in vertical flexion to 140 degrees, which was much further than she had ever gotten it before. Then she had me wand myself while she held it there. In external rotation, she was able to get me to between 15 and 20 degrees past neutral, which was only about 5 degrees past where the physical therapist had been able to go on Monday, but that has always been the toughest one for me. She held me there, and had me wand myself again. She then said, half-jokingly and half-serious, that they were going to have to consider getting a wand for their clinic.
Anyway, to make a long story short, I did get some very powerful objective evidence of improvement in my shoulder this morning. The physical therapist and her assistant were both very impressed and amazed at my progress since Monday, and I am greatly encouraged to see the evidence for myself of my body healing itself when the cells are reminded of their connection to the zero point field.
Jerry B.
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