Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Mercola Article on Glutathione...

This note is from a BA in our group:
Interesting article on Mercola.com regarding reversing aging .... he talks about studies in process showing that the telomere shortening may be stopped by increasing glutathione.  He's talking about using Whey Protein to do this ... but of course we have the DNA product. 
I hope some of this info (glutathione and anti aging) will be emphasized more in the presentations ... motivation to get on the auto ship.   I have listened to the calls about the DNA and sulfurophane etc.  I don't remember this info about the telomeres being mentioned.  It seems quite compelling to me.  Perhaps the science isn't totally there yet.
Comment: One of the big reasons MaxGL made a big hit on the market was due to the glutathione connection and its anti-aging powers. The products we have are even more powerful than what Max GL has. Remember, the DNA Food is a product that could push this company to the moon even without the wand. 

On a side note, it was the bracelet, not the wand, that built this company to over 600,000 reps in Asia, all by word of mouth and face to face Asian style networking. Perhaps we can learn something from them and get out of the office away from the PC screen and mingle with humans again! LOL

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