Friday, March 5, 2010

Pet Owner Testimonials

Pet Testimonial #1:
From Gudrun Bode: As soon as I got my wand I tested it on my cat's injured hip, which was causing his hind leg to slide out from under him on the slippery linoleum kitchen floor. As soon as the wand came close to his body, his back started twitching wildly. I thought for sure that he would jump off the sofa and hide, as he usually does when something unusual happens.  Instead he spun his head around to see what I was doing. He carefully examined the wand with his nose and then put his head back down enjoying the wanding and the twitching for about a minute. Then he turned to expose his weak leg to me. I wanded it for about a minute until he rolled over to get his other leg energized. Then he calmly left the sofa. Now his leg no longer slips out from under him.  It's great to see how receptive an animal is to Zero Point Energy, and how their mind does not interfere with their body's natural healing ability.

Pet Testimonial #2 (given on the phone by a dog owner):
A few months ago our dog was hit by a car and lost the use of one of his hind legs, which limply dragged along as he walked on three legs. As soon as our wand arrived we tried it on Sam for several minutes with no result. So we went to bed that night thinking that we had expected too much of Zero Point Energy. But the next morning we were in for a big surprise. Sam was walking on all four legs as if nothing had ever happened. His body had healed overnight!  We are ecstatic about having our beloved Sam back in the state of perfection.

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