Here are some excerpts from an email sent from one of my people in Hawaii ...our mtg (meeting) went well with 2 wands in the room.....every demo worked dramatically...wanding the 3 ft space with the strongest person in the room was great....both of his arms were really sore before, then his strength was massive after 1 minute of wanding the space and he could really tell the taste difference in the red wine too.
My dental hygeinist is REALLY excited...wanded her yesterday....for neck issues and
her deaf ear is healed...she cancelled her chiro appointment and only needed 2 1/2
hours sleep last night....she's coming in on Friday....Her carpal tunnel hand is 100% pain
free.....she called me 10 minutes after she was wanded and said...If you want me on
speaker phone at your mtg....I'm available!!
Amega_Divine has 5 coming last nite and more today....
Big mtg this Friday in Kihei....doing upcountry every monday nite and rotating
homes in Kihei.
I've sure learned that calling key people in the beginning to listen to this link as soon as you can.....and I'll call you back a few of my prospects are now approaching me to join with them.
Our new one from last nite is headed to japan in one month....
There are some important messages in this email. First, having gatherings to PROPERLY demonstrate the wand is important. This person happens to have skill in muscle testing. It is not that hard to learn and if you can find someone to teach you about how to do this you will be able to demonstrate the effectiveness of the wand in a very convincing manner leaving no room for doubt. Muscle testing is very powerful. It is a strength test that is very clearly understood and felt by the person tested.
The other point in this email is to really get on the phone and get people to check their email you JUST sent them with the audio. Ask them if they can take the time to listen RIGHT NOW. If so, tell them you will call them back in 40 minutes or when the call is expected to be done. If not, try to set a time to call back after they can listen to it, perhaps the next day.
NEVER try to explain anything. It is unlikely you can do better than the audios. Let the audios do the heavy lifting for you.
When there are questions, just say it is better to listen to the audio. 'I don't know' is also an acceptable answer. 'I have no idea as I am as new to this as you are. But, I think we need to pay some attention to what this is all about! So, listen to the audio then let's get OUR questions answered by someone who knows!' It is OKAY to be lacking knowledge at this. I personally need to learn a whole lot more about these products and the company. But, that is no reason to stop taking action. People who are doing the best at this right now FEEL the need to act. It is not coming from their HEAD. Thinking too much will defeat you and you could end up with analysis paralysis.
As they say, 'Just Do It!'
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