Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Great News!!

Be sure to listen to the archived Q & A call for Tuesday, March 2.  

Here's a recap:
Wands were received yesterday and today.  Another 1800 are being shipped from Singapore, 2500 more next week and 3500 the following week.  As of next Monday, we will be very close to having all orders shipped.  Arun Kemer (Group CEO) feels by 3/15 our shipping status will be a 2 to 3 day turn around.  He doesn't feel we will ever have any back orders again.

Sales were about $42,000 in December, $885,000 in January and $2.2 Million in February. 

New Call Center
A new Call Center will  have a 20 hour a day support which includes Singapore.  Lara has been asked to go to Singapore to train at least 8 new people. 

New Fulfillment Center
April 1st there will be a professional fulfillment center. 

Compensation Plan
April 15th all countries will have the same compensation plan as the US.

New Back Office
Professional team will complete a NEW back office to be given to Amega March 15 and than to us April 1st.

24 Hour Tech Support
April 15th IT person on stand by for 24 hour tech support

New UK Distribution Center
New distribution center to be opened in the UK.

Amega CEO, Arun Kemer, Saturday, March 6, Training Call

New Products
2 New products will be announced at our upcoming event in Irvine.

Now, go listen to the call and hear the rest of the information and answers to your questions.  


This is YOUR business, be prepared and updated by being on these calls.
Share this information with your group.

Thanks for all your patience and caring.  We are so fortunate to be involved with such a unique and outstanding company.

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