Monday, March 22, 2010

Cancer Pain Relief??

This comes from one of my people. 

My friend with cancer controls her pain entirely with the wand. No one is saying anything about curing, but if you know anything about advanced cancer, you know that it can extremely painful and is usually held in check with powerful pain killers. L. uses no painkillers other than the wand.
LR has an ankle that acts up, i.e. it can throb and cause her not to be able to sleep. It was doing that one night and she remembered her wand, wanded for a few minutes and the pain went away.
Then there is this from Australia. "Nana" has an arm that won't lift past the shoulder. Watch the reaction on her face after being wanded for a few minutes. Keeping in mind that this condition has been with her for about 2 years. Go ahead, try to tell me that reaction is faked. :-) 

YOUTUBE VIDEO #1 Video of a 92 year old woman in Australia with a frozen shoulder:
Click here :

YOUTUBE VIDEO #2 - Nanny's LEG Relief and more Shoulder Amazement! "I Can't Belieeeeeve It!"
Click here :

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