Thursday, October 21, 2010
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Dog Revives After Wanding
Here is another amazing testimonial...
It was a sad moment when I looked out the window after hearing
excitement on the street in front of the house. There was my
neighbor's tiny Daschund, lying motionless in the middle of the
road after having been hit by a car.
My neighbor ran out, and scooped the little fella up in her arms,
and when I met her in her yard, she proclaimed him to be "gone".
As a former ICU nurse, it didn't take me long to note the half
closed eyes with the glazed and empty look, his bleeding eye, the
tongue drooping and no sign of breathing, no limb movement -
Nevertheless, I had my wand and of course immediately set to
work, wanding the respective areas of the wee guy that could have
been involved in the trauma. By the time I started this, he had
not been breathing for at least a minute and a half. I persisted,
and after 3 or 4 minutes further, there was a flicker in his one
Still no other movement. I sat down with him stretched out on my
knees, and continued to wand furiously. I then noticed tiny
movement in his lower abdomen - a sign of weak respirations. I
simply kept at it - head, heart, lung area, neck. He soon opened
his eyes and took a deep sigh, which could have been a last gasp,
but by golly, it was a new beginning. He began to breathe deeper,
and then began to cry.
He still hadn't moved a limb. I was worried that perhaps I had
resuscitated a quadriplegic! I helped wrap him tightly in a towel
to keep the spine from moving too much as the family roared off
to the vet to make sure the dog had no internal injuries or skull
There, attempts to encourage him to stand, failed until the last
try, when the pup got up and walked to my neighbor!
Although exhausted, and prone to deep napping, the dog came home
and has been perfectly fine ever since. I have wanded him on
subsequent days - just to be sure, but he is truly intact and
very much alive!
The dog goes nuts when he sees me now. He knows something. The
neighbors and the vet are quite awestruck, but Not Me! I love my
Beverley Shoemaker
It was a sad moment when I looked out the window after hearing
excitement on the street in front of the house. There was my
neighbor's tiny Daschund, lying motionless in the middle of the
road after having been hit by a car.
My neighbor ran out, and scooped the little fella up in her arms,
and when I met her in her yard, she proclaimed him to be "gone".
As a former ICU nurse, it didn't take me long to note the half
closed eyes with the glazed and empty look, his bleeding eye, the
tongue drooping and no sign of breathing, no limb movement -
Nevertheless, I had my wand and of course immediately set to
work, wanding the respective areas of the wee guy that could have
been involved in the trauma. By the time I started this, he had
not been breathing for at least a minute and a half. I persisted,
and after 3 or 4 minutes further, there was a flicker in his one
Still no other movement. I sat down with him stretched out on my
knees, and continued to wand furiously. I then noticed tiny
movement in his lower abdomen - a sign of weak respirations. I
simply kept at it - head, heart, lung area, neck. He soon opened
his eyes and took a deep sigh, which could have been a last gasp,
but by golly, it was a new beginning. He began to breathe deeper,
and then began to cry.
He still hadn't moved a limb. I was worried that perhaps I had
resuscitated a quadriplegic! I helped wrap him tightly in a towel
to keep the spine from moving too much as the family roared off
to the vet to make sure the dog had no internal injuries or skull
There, attempts to encourage him to stand, failed until the last
try, when the pup got up and walked to my neighbor!
Although exhausted, and prone to deep napping, the dog came home
and has been perfectly fine ever since. I have wanded him on
subsequent days - just to be sure, but he is truly intact and
very much alive!
The dog goes nuts when he sees me now. He knows something. The
neighbors and the vet are quite awestruck, but Not Me! I love my
Beverley Shoemaker
Sunday, September 5, 2010
I just wanted to share Deani's story. She's a Miniature black and tan Dachshund, and will be 11 on January 4, 2011. Deani had a really bad back problem and could no longer jump down off the couch. She was also graying heavily. As you know I bought my AMWater system when we were in LA for the conference mid
May of this year, and Deani and I have been using it ever since.
The reason I'm writing you is because there have been some pretty amazing developments with Deani. Some of the gray has disappeared and she now runs up and down 3 flights of stairs with me, 4 times a day with no pain AND jumps off the couch much easier.She's looking pretty good for 77 years of age in people years, don't you think? My boyfriend says, "she looks pretty hot for an old lady." I should be so lucky.
Shirlene R
San Jose, CA
Blood Pressure Testimonial
Just talked to one of my distributors for Amega here in Japan.
He told me that his blood pressure has normalized after only using the pendant and bracelet.
He has had this problem for as long as I have known him. It just went back to normal!
The only thing he felt changed in his lifestyle were these Amega products.
If you have any testimonials please send them along.
He told me that his blood pressure has normalized after only using the pendant and bracelet.
He has had this problem for as long as I have known him. It just went back to normal!
The only thing he felt changed in his lifestyle were these Amega products.
If you have any testimonials please send them along.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Alkalkinity, AM Water, and YOUR Health
Here is some information from one of my Blue Diamonds...
Drinking the AMWater since the middle of May has had such a positive impact for us.
We LOVE drinking our alkaline, micro-clustered (1/3 the water molecule size of tap or filtered water), ionized, zero point field energized, filtered and oxygenated water. We cook with it, make ice cubes with it AND all of our BA's are welcome to take home the AMWater on Monday
or Thursday nights if attending our Wand Gatherings or BA Trainings.
We believe that if a person drinks 2 glasses of AMWater before they are wanded and more afterwards, they will experience a better result. Wanding 2 glasses of water before a wanding is also something worth doing.
We drink 1/2 of our weight in ounces per day and even more when the weather is hot, or after vigorous exercise.
Here is an article that our live blood cell technician shared with us recently, AND here is a You Tube link explaining Acid/Alkaline pH. This information needs to be taught to children, so they know WHY it is important to eat fresh fruits and vegetables. v=hpoAtwVyzZI&feature=player_ embedded-
The following are commonly asked questions about Dr. Young's science of pH and his answers: Dr Young is the author of "The pH Miracle For Diabetes". His wife Shelley Redford Young co-authored this book which includes a diet plan for type 1 and type 2 diabetics.
Question: How important is it to maintain an alkaline pH in our blood, saliva, urine and sweat?
Dr. Young: Maintaining the alkaline pH of the saliva, urine, tears, sweat and blood is critical. Testing the body fluid pH is the most important daily measurement anyone can do to maintain health and fitness and to PREVENT ALL sickness and disease.
The beauty of the pH test is that you don't need to go to a doctor to do it. You can do it yourself. You can actually become your own health manager and moniter your own health with this simple test. And if you'll remember this rule--if you maintain the saliva and the urine pH, ideally at 7.2 or above, you will never get sick. That's right, you will NEVER get sick!
The key is to manage the alkaline design of the body fluids. But, most people on the planet have a urine or saliva pH in the 6's or even the 5's. They don't manage their pH. People take better care of the pH level of their aquariums, swimming pools, or spas, than their own internal body fluids.
Managing the pH of your body fluids is simple. All you do is take some pH Hydrion paper or litmus paper, moisten it with saliva and urine and then check the color on the color-coded chart. The chart measures the pH of saliva, urine, sweat, and tears in 5.0 to 8.5 increments. Ideally, you want your saliva, urine, sweat and tears to measure at least 7.2 or better.
Managing you body fluid pH with an alkaline lifestyle and diet is the healthiest advice I could give anyone on this planet. It is inexpensive. It is simple, and it works.
Question: When these body fluids stay acidic for days, weeks, months or years, what happens to human health?
Dr. Young: What happens to human health when you stay in the acidic zone? You get sick, tired and fat. And, if you don't get fat, you die. When you are underweight, you are living on your own body tissue. Your body is making red blood cells out of body cells. Why? Because you have damaged the root system of your small intestine with acidic food, drink, harmful digestive enzymes, probiotics, antibiotics and other acidic drugs. You are constantly breaking down your own body cells in order to maintain the level of red blood cells at 5 million red blood cells per cubic millimetre.
In order to build muscle and bones you have to have healthy strong red blood cells. In order to have healthy strong red blood cells you have to have a healthy alkaline root system or intestinal villi with an alkaline lifestyle and diet. You build healthy blood with electron-rich green alkaline foods and drinks. When you are constantly bombarding your internal environment with acidic foods and drinks and damaging your intestinal villi, you set the stage for all sickness and dis-ease.
You must protect the alkaline design of the body. When you start using up your alkaline reserves and you do not replace those reserves with alkaline foods and drinks, you begin to compromise other parts of the body. This is especially so if the daily diet is loaded with acidic foods and drinks.
When the alkaline reserves are deficient, and when the diet is also deficient in food or drink that should be building up those alkaline reserves, the body starts pulling alkaline minerals from the bones, muscles, ligaments and cartilage. This causes deficiencies of the bones and muscles. That's why many older people actually shrink and become bent over. They have cannibalized their own body by stealing mineral salts from their own infrastructure to help alkalize too many acids in the body.
Dr. Young: Maintaining the alkaline pH of the saliva, urine, tears, sweat and blood is critical. Testing the body fluid pH is the most important daily measurement anyone can do to maintain health and fitness and to PREVENT ALL sickness and disease.
The beauty of the pH test is that you don't need to go to a doctor to do it. You can do it yourself. You can actually become your own health manager and moniter your own health with this simple test. And if you'll remember this rule--if you maintain the saliva and the urine pH, ideally at 7.2 or above, you will never get sick. That's right, you will NEVER get sick!
The key is to manage the alkaline design of the body fluids. But, most people on the planet have a urine or saliva pH in the 6's or even the 5's. They don't manage their pH. People take better care of the pH level of their aquariums, swimming pools, or spas, than their own internal body fluids.
Managing the pH of your body fluids is simple. All you do is take some pH Hydrion paper or litmus paper, moisten it with saliva and urine and then check the color on the color-coded chart. The chart measures the pH of saliva, urine, sweat, and tears in 5.0 to 8.5 increments. Ideally, you want your saliva, urine, sweat and tears to measure at least 7.2 or better.
Managing you body fluid pH with an alkaline lifestyle and diet is the healthiest advice I could give anyone on this planet. It is inexpensive. It is simple, and it works.
Question: When these body fluids stay acidic for days, weeks, months or years, what happens to human health?
Dr. Young: What happens to human health when you stay in the acidic zone? You get sick, tired and fat. And, if you don't get fat, you die. When you are underweight, you are living on your own body tissue. Your body is making red blood cells out of body cells. Why? Because you have damaged the root system of your small intestine with acidic food, drink, harmful digestive enzymes, probiotics, antibiotics and other acidic drugs. You are constantly breaking down your own body cells in order to maintain the level of red blood cells at 5 million red blood cells per cubic millimetre.
In order to build muscle and bones you have to have healthy strong red blood cells. In order to have healthy strong red blood cells you have to have a healthy alkaline root system or intestinal villi with an alkaline lifestyle and diet. You build healthy blood with electron-rich green alkaline foods and drinks. When you are constantly bombarding your internal environment with acidic foods and drinks and damaging your intestinal villi, you set the stage for all sickness and dis-ease.
You must protect the alkaline design of the body. When you start using up your alkaline reserves and you do not replace those reserves with alkaline foods and drinks, you begin to compromise other parts of the body. This is especially so if the daily diet is loaded with acidic foods and drinks.
When the alkaline reserves are deficient, and when the diet is also deficient in food or drink that should be building up those alkaline reserves, the body starts pulling alkaline minerals from the bones, muscles, ligaments and cartilage. This causes deficiencies of the bones and muscles. That's why many older people actually shrink and become bent over. They have cannibalized their own body by stealing mineral salts from their own infrastructure to help alkalize too many acids in the body.
When your blood is compromised from a deficiency of alkaline reserves such as sodium bicarbonate or the elements to make sodium bicarbonate, the body will begin pulling calcium from the bones and/or magnesium from the muscles to maintain the alkalinity of the blood plasma. This is when you will start experiencing the deficiencies of alkalinity that are expressed in the seven stages of acidosis, going from various sensitivities all the way up to degeneration such as cancerous cells.
Question: What are some of the positive things that would occur if all of these body fluids are alkaline?
Dr. Young: When you are alkalized, you are energized. And when you are energized, you feel better and think better. You have sustainable energy when you are alkalized. When you eat and drink alkaline you are making energy deposits to your body, like a bank account. You are making alkaline deposits to your energy bank account and to your alkaline reserves or energy savings account. The positive benefits of being alkaline are incredible health, energy, fitness, mental clarity and vitality.
Question: We're going to use your term--why is the "New Biology™" so important?
Dr. Young: The New Biology™ is important because it is based on a foundational health principal, that the human body is alkaline by design, but every function of the body is acidic. So every disease is nothing more than the body trying to maintain its alkaline design. So when we're talking about bone disease, the body is taking alkalinity from the bones to maintain the alkalinity of the blood which is the most important organ of the body. Once the blood becomes acidic, you will die very soon. A drop from the normal blood pH of 7.365 to 6.9 will cause one to go into a coma. The blood pH has a very narrow range for health and vitality. The normal healthy blood pH is at 7.365. If the blood pH drops down to 7.2, you start feeling very sick and at 6.9 will die very soon.
So the body will do everything it can to maintain the alkaline integrity of the blood, at the expense of all other organs and organ systems. Once we understand the foundational theory of the New Biology™, and I'll repeat it again: the human organism is alkaline by design, although acidic by function. So breathing is acidic. Thinking is acidic. Eating is acidic. Metabolism is acidic. The process of breaking down the food you eat is acidic. Everything you eat is acidic to a greater or lesser degree. The body has to protect itself. The body protects itself with the alkaline buffering system which is currently NOT understood by medical savants. Your body is looking for energy in the form of electrons or electron-rich food and drink. Health is all about energy. The New Biology™ teaches us the foundational principles of health, fitness and energy and how to maintain that health, fitness and energy, for a lifetime, free from ALL sickness and disease.
Question: For the body's immune system to work properly is alkalinity the most important thing to monitor?
Dr. Young: Yes, immunity from ALL sickness and disease comes from alkalinity, NOT from white blood cells. We were all taught in human biology that immunity comes from white blood cells protecting us from some invading germ or virus. White blood cells provide NO immunity. White blood cells do not destroy germs. White blood cells are glorified janitors that swim around in our blood and lymphatic plasma picking up the garbage we create from an acidic lifestyle and diet. White blood cells are NOT soldiers, destroying some invading germ coming in from the outside world that would make us sick.
True immunity comes to each of us by maintaining the alkaline fluids of the body. That is where true immunity is found. The first line of defense against sickness and disease is an alkaline internal environment. As soon as you put something acidic into your mind, into your mouth, or into your lungs, your alkaline buffering system is immediately engaged in trying to neutralize or buffer any acidic food, drink, or thought that might be present. That's true immunity. It is found in the alkaline reserves for your body. When you have an alkaline lifestyle and diet, you are able to defend or neutralize environmental, dietary or metabolic acids that would make you sick, tired and/or fat.
Germs DO NOT cause disease. Acids cause pain, sickness and disease. There is a simple way to understand this principal. Let's compare our bodies to an automobile. When you start your car, the car begins using energy. As the car uses energy is creates an acidic waste product called carbon monoxide. When you turn the car off you stop producing this acid. If you start the car again and stuff a few socks or a potato in the tailpipe the car will die from carbon monoxide acidosis.
If you were to stop eliminating your own acidic waste products through urination, perspiration, defecation or respiration, like the car, you would die too. The body has ways of protecting itself from excess acidity. When dietary and/or metabolic acids are not properly eliminated, they get parked on your hips, thighs, buttocks, waistline, breast and brain. The body does this to protect and preserve the organs and organ systems that sustain life. Your best immunity in order to protect your body from ALL sickness and disease DOES NOT come from vaccination or medication. True immunity comes from protecting the alkaline design of the body with an alkaline lifestyle and diet. Once again, white blood cells, including neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils, and T and B-cells help to maintain cleanliness. And in reality, they are just the janitors of your body fluids like an automatic pool sweep. You can support your white blood cells with an electron-rich alkaline lifestyle and diet.
Question: What is the easiest way for someone to check and maintain their body's pH?
Dr. Young: The easiest way for someone to check and maintain the body fluid pH is to test the urine and saliva.
The best time to test the urine is in the morning, because the morning urine is an expression of what you ate and what you drank and how you lived your life the previous, 24 hours. The morning urine is not a product of the blood; it is a product of the tissues. When you measure your urine, you are measuring the pH of your tissues. If your pH is below the ideal of 7.2, and it measures in the 5's or 6's, you are in tissue acidosis. When someone over-exercises they can go into lactic tissue acidosis. Lactic acid from over-exercise is felt in the connective tissues and muscles. When the muscles are sore, that's the tissues picking up the acid to maintain the alkaline blood pH. The blood has to rid itself of metabolic acids or you would die. So it throws the acid out into the muscle tissues and you feel it as irritation or inflammation. If the lactic acid stays in the tissues, it will spoil the tissue cells and the body will go into preservation mode.
In preservation mode, the body will encapsulate the cells spoiled by lactic acid, and now you have a tumor. The tumor is the solution to stop systemic spoiling or metastasis. When the lymphatic system is healthy, it will pull the lactic acid out of the tissues, and eventually you will sweat it out or it will be recycled back into the blood and you will urinate it out. This is very, very important. So remember, when you are testing the pH of your urine, you are testing the pH of the fluids in and from the tissues.
When you are testing your saliva, you are testing your ability or potential to alkalize your food and drink. So when you're saliva pH is below 7.2, your potential for alkalizing your food, drink and emotions is less. Your reserves are low. You need to make a deposit to your alkaline bank account. And that would be the same with your urine. When your urine is acidic, you need to start alkalizing. You run the risk of staying within an acidic zone; you run the risk of going through the seven stages of acidosis. Starting with lack of energy to sensitivities to inflammation, and working up to ulceration and degeneration.
The following are questions to Dr. Young and his answers on how emotions can make us sick, tired and fat.
Question: Can negative emotions affect the body's pH? Can negative emotions affect our bodies' health?
Dr. Robert O. Young: My research has continuously supported the theory that there is only one sickness and only one disease. This 25 year body of knowledge, based on the live and dry blood microscopy and dietary management of over 25,000 people, not only considers how your diet affects your physiology, but also how your psychology affects your physiology.
Your mental state is so very critical. Your mental state, in many ways, if it's negative, can create more metabolic acids than the food that you're eating. In fact, you can create two or three times more metabolic acids from your thoughts and your mental state than from ingesting acidic foods, such as dairy or animal protein.
So your thoughts are critical. Your thoughts or words do become matter and can affect your physiology in a negative or positive way. And the way your thoughts become biology is as follows:
when you have a thought, that thought requires energy for the brain cells to produce that thought. As you carry on with any thought that are having, you are using energy. And when you are using energy, you produce a biological waste product called, acid. If the metabolic acids from your thoughts are not properly eliminated through the four channels of elimination--urination, perspiration, respiration and defecation--then the acids from your thoughts are moved out into your fatty tissues and connective tissues. This leads to all sorts of symtomologies such as lupus, fibromyalgia, arthritis, muscle pain, fatigue, tiredness, obesity, cancerous breasts, cancerous prostate, indigestion, acid reflux, heart burn, heart attacks, and the list goes on and on.
For example let's say you are doing sadness or depression. And you are looping a negative experience in your head. Let's say you are constantly thinking about it, it's always on your mind, and you are worried about what you are thinking. You might say you are having feelings or being emotional. Emotions are "energy in motion." When you see someone that's emotional, they are energetic, either in a positive or negative way. And if they are energetic, they are "energy in motion." They are producing metabolic acids at a high rate. The rate of acid production is greater than someone who's jogging or working out. So, your thoughts become biology or metabolic acids that can make you sick, tired and fat.
When you start producing acids with your thoughts, this will activate the alkaline buffering system to neutralize these acids. If these acids are not buffered and/or eliminated, they can create serious health challenges in your body. Positive emotions, such as love, peace, hope, faith, and forgiveness, can all be alkalizing to the blood and tissues. The negative emotions of anger, resentment, and fear are the most powerful and acidifying of all emotions. The fear of the unknown is probably the most powerful and acidic of them all. Fear is so devastating to the body that even if you're on an alkaline diet, overcoming a serious health challenge is practically impossible. In that kind of situation, you might think that the pH Miracle Lifestyle and Diet isn't working. You start thinking "what else am I not doing? What's the matter with me? How come I feel the way that I'm feeling? Something else is wrong. I'm eating the right way and I'm drinking the right water. What's going to happen? What can I do? I'm doing what I'm supposed to, yet, I can't seem to have the type of health and energy that I'm seeking!"
The reason why you don't have the health you are seeking?
You are being consumed by all of these and similar types of negative acidic thoughts. People have "thought attacks" NOT "heart attacks." There are published studies showing that over 80% of all heart attacks are emotionally triggered. People don't just die of a heart attack. They die of a long series of thought attacks, or even one violent and powerful emotional thought attack, that leads to the heart attack.
Question : If a person is eating 100% alkaline diet and is still overwhelmed by negative emotions, can their body fluids stay alkaline? Can these negative emotions overwhelm a 100% alkaline diet?
Dr. Young: If you're eating an alkaline diet and you're overwhelmed with negative emotions, then thank God that you're eating an alkaline diet or you'd be dead or too soon dead. Your acidic emotions can kill you. But the alkaline diet is the saving grace of all of this and provides the hope that you can hang on and be healthy both physically AND mentally. You can live without food for forty days, you can live without water for four days, you can live without air for about four minutes, but you cannot live without hope for more than a second. Hope is the key and that's what the pH Miracle Lifestyle and Diet will also do for you. It will give you understanding, insights, confidence, positive expectation--which is HOPE. It leads to greater peacefulness which comes with hope. The pH Miracle Lifestyle and Diet program gives you the hope and expectations you need to breathe better, to start drinking the right kind of water, and to start eating the right kind of food that will lead you back to the right emotions so that you can start feeling better.
Question: Do emotions have a stronger effect to create body acidity than foods?
Dr. Young: Absolutely! As I have mentioned earlier, your emotions are energy in motion. And when you are consuming energy in your emotions you produce biological waste products called acid. When I have a client that's in negative acid-forming emotions, all the body fluids, including the blood, will show a decline in the pH even if this person has been eating an alkaline diet. In order to buffer the acid-forming emotions, the client will have to hyper-alkalize the blood and then tissues to bring the body back into alkaline balance. When the client is hyper-alkalizing, the pH of the urine will increase into the high 8's and 9's. Hyper-alkalization is necessary in order to overcompensate for the negative acidic producing emotions and to bring the body back to health, energy, vitality, hope, peace, harmony and love.
Question: Can our emotions cause cancer?
Dr. Young: Absolutely. This is beyond doubt and there is much research from both traditional and alternative schools of study to demonstrate this. I have said that cancer is a four letter word - ACID. When you are doing negative acidic emotions such as anger, revenge, hate, sadness or depression, you are creating metabolic acids that can cause ANY and ALL cancerous conditions of the body tissues. If metabolic acids are not removed via urination, perspiration, defecation or respiration, then they are delivered to the body tissues. When constant excess acid from negative emotions are poured into the body tissues, the body tissues will degenerate causing a cancerous condition. Pharmaceutical companies are creating drugs that may give you the illusion of feeling better, but they DO NOT deal with the metabolic acids from negative acidic emotions. This can only lead to more physical and emotional pain.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
More reasons to get an Amega Water Machine
Another good reason to get an alkalizing ionic water machine.
To think that only Canada, the US, Canada, and perhaps a few other countries are feeding toxic fluoride into the water supply while almost all of Europe does not allow it is quite interesting. Now they want to add this toxic industrial waste product to the Australian water system.
Very revealing facts you probably don't know about Fluoride and it is not JUST in your water.
To think that only Canada, the US, Canada, and perhaps a few other countries are feeding toxic fluoride into the water supply while almost all of Europe does not allow it is quite interesting. Now they want to add this toxic industrial waste product to the Australian water system.
Very revealing facts you probably don't know about Fluoride and it is not JUST in your water.
Friday, August 6, 2010
Fighting for Her Life and Winning
As you know, every time you submit a testimonial of your experiences with the amazing energetic wellness products from Amega, you are automatically entered into our monthly drawing for a free Bio-Energetic bracelet!
Congratulations to Loren Brown!
The following is as told by Jodie, after Loren Brown arrived with her AMWand:
Pain and suffering has been my life's story for the past four years now and after leaving the Accident and Emergency Ward for the 6th time this month, yet with the same symptoms getting worse: acute breathing difficulties, blood pressure very low, dizziness, pins and needles in my hands and feet, severe stomach pains, swollen painful eye balls, hair loss, constant chronic fatigue with tremendous back pain, I still felt nowhere near knowing what was the CAUSE.
I didn't want to go down the route of endless medication, not with all the side effects. My doctor told me that I would never find a cause/cure for my eye problem.
Four years of searching and suffering, spending thousands on different alternative cleanses and I believe that without them, I would not be here, still fighting for my life. Fortunately, I remembered a friend of my Mum, Loren, just maybe she would help.
Loren brought something new and exciting with her, a small pen like gadget called the AMWand and she told me that using this for just 3 minutes, may help my hay fever which had been driving me crazy for the last few days. Everything was blocked, my nose, ears and eyes were also itching, along with the inside of my mouth. Within an incredibly short space of time, my eyes stopped streaming, my itchy pallet and ears just became normal and I could breathe through my nose again. Wonderful!
I feel that slowly but surely, with the help of a friend, my whole body is changing and getting stronger. I am so grateful for this wonderful technology and of course for Loren spending time with me too.
My Son's Dog is a Believer!
Everyday I visit my son's 15yr old lab which has been having difficulty getting up from his bed. He needs help standing and walking out to the yard to do his business. Two days ago I wanded the dog's front and back legs for 5 to 7 minutes. Then all of a sudden he got up and walked to the yard to pee!! A few minutes later he went to drink water and eat his food. When my son returned from work and found the dog actively moving without assistance. My son was amazed and remarked "Wow, that wand really works!"
Jean Oh
Congratulations to Loren Brown!
Pain and suffering has been my life's story for the past four years now and after leaving the Accident and Emergency Ward for the 6th time this month, yet with the same symptoms getting worse: acute breathing difficulties, blood pressure very low, dizziness, pins and needles in my hands and feet, severe stomach pains, swollen painful eye balls, hair loss, constant chronic fatigue with tremendous back pain, I still felt nowhere near knowing what was the CAUSE.
I didn't want to go down the route of endless medication, not with all the side effects. My doctor told me that I would never find a cause/cure for my eye problem.
Four years of searching and suffering, spending thousands on different alternative cleanses and I believe that without them, I would not be here, still fighting for my life. Fortunately, I remembered a friend of my Mum, Loren, just maybe she would help.
Loren brought something new and exciting with her, a small pen like gadget called the AMWand and she told me that using this for just 3 minutes, may help my hay fever which had been driving me crazy for the last few days. Everything was blocked, my nose, ears and eyes were also itching, along with the inside of my mouth. Within an incredibly short space of time, my eyes stopped streaming, my itchy pallet and ears just became normal and I could breathe through my nose again. Wonderful!
I feel that slowly but surely, with the help of a friend, my whole body is changing and getting stronger. I am so grateful for this wonderful technology and of course for Loren spending time with me too.
My Son's Dog is a Believer!
Everyday I visit my son's 15yr old lab which has been having difficulty getting up from his bed. He needs help standing and walking out to the yard to do his business. Two days ago I wanded the dog's front and back legs for 5 to 7 minutes. Then all of a sudden he got up and walked to the yard to pee!! A few minutes later he went to drink water and eat his food. When my son returned from work and found the dog actively moving without assistance. My son was amazed and remarked "Wow, that wand really works!"
Jean Oh
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Amega AM Water Actify
I purchased the AMWater Actify at the Pre-Launch Event in Anaheim. I was a bit skeptical at first when I realized that it had to be connected to my water source at the sink, and I would no longer be drinking the reverse osmosis water I had come to love.
I am so glad I switched to this energized water, as I am sure that the changes in my body is due to this water. It's been about 3 weeks since I started using this water for drinking, making coffee, tea, and for cooking.
I have had so much more energy every day, that I constantly stay busy. This is unusual for me as I have spent a lot of time sitting at the computer, and being a couch potato. Now, I just can't sit! I have to go, go, go! I have completed some projects around the house that have been neglected for so long. My normal sleeping pattern has changed too. I used to stay up late watching late night TV talk shows, then sleep till noon the next day. Now I get up early, drink some ionized, alkalized, energized water first thing, and I'm good to go. Most days I don't even bother making a pot of coffee, I don't need it any more. And guess what? It helps clear up those annoying hangovers!
And speaking of my thinking being clearer, I feel like my concentration has improved. Before, whenever a situation would come up that needed attention, I'd deal with it by procrastination, just dreading the mental work I'd have to do. I felt like I wasn't quite as smart as I wanted to be.
Two weeks ago, I decided to protest the tax appraisal on my Mom's behalf, and this was no normal property tax. It was EXTREMELY complicated, and I breezed right through the research, and paperwork like it was something I do everyday. I believe the AMWater has helped break up the fog in my brain, and I'm ready for any challenges that come my way!
And to top it all off, I've lost weight! Since I'm more active, my metabolism has cranked up, and the pounds are dropping. I'm convinced there's "something in the water." Drinking the AMWater is the only change I've made, and I feel great!
Thank you, Amega, for this powerful and wonderful product!
Connie Heineke
Taylor, Texas
I purchased the AMWater Actify at the Pre-Launch Event in Anaheim. I was a bit skeptical at first when I realized that it had to be connected to my water source at the sink, and I would no longer be drinking the reverse osmosis water I had come to love.
I am so glad I switched to this energized water, as I am sure that the changes in my body is due to this water. It's been about 3 weeks since I started using this water for drinking, making coffee, tea, and for cooking.
I have had so much more energy every day, that I constantly stay busy. This is unusual for me as I have spent a lot of time sitting at the computer, and being a couch potato. Now, I just can't sit! I have to go, go, go! I have completed some projects around the house that have been neglected for so long. My normal sleeping pattern has changed too. I used to stay up late watching late night TV talk shows, then sleep till noon the next day. Now I get up early, drink some ionized, alkalized, energized water first thing, and I'm good to go. Most days I don't even bother making a pot of coffee, I don't need it any more. And guess what? It helps clear up those annoying hangovers!
And speaking of my thinking being clearer, I feel like my concentration has improved. Before, whenever a situation would come up that needed attention, I'd deal with it by procrastination, just dreading the mental work I'd have to do. I felt like I wasn't quite as smart as I wanted to be.
Two weeks ago, I decided to protest the tax appraisal on my Mom's behalf, and this was no normal property tax. It was EXTREMELY complicated, and I breezed right through the research, and paperwork like it was something I do everyday. I believe the AMWater has helped break up the fog in my brain, and I'm ready for any challenges that come my way!
And to top it all off, I've lost weight! Since I'm more active, my metabolism has cranked up, and the pounds are dropping. I'm convinced there's "something in the water." Drinking the AMWater is the only change I've made, and I feel great!
Thank you, Amega, for this powerful and wonderful product!
Connie Heineke
Taylor, Texas
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Congratulations to Carol Howell!
Carol Howell is the winner of our monthly drawing for an Acamar Pendant. You can see in her testimonial that she's a big believer in Amega!
For me, this is day seven of living with the AMWand, and the magic continues to unfold. I used to drag myself out of bed in the morning. Now the people at work are not sure what to think of me when I come bouncing in with a smile on my face. It is no exaggeration that I feel at least 15 years younger in terms of vitality, energy, physical flexibility and wellbeing.
I sat down to meditate two days ago, and without thinking sat cross-legged, and it was only after a period of time that I realized I was sitting in that position. I have not been able to sit cross-legged for a number of years. The worst of my symptoms disappeared in the first day, but this sitting cross-legged demonstrated that the changes that were occurring in my body were profound.
Two days ago, before discovering I could sit cross-legged, I was feeling a bit confused and discouraged because all day long I was having a recurrence in two parts of my body that had significant results since first using the wand. I realized by being able to sit cross-legged, how deeply my body is transforming. I took another look at my thumb and knee that were having discomfort. My chiropractor taught me that pain often occurs somewhere other than where the problem is originating.
So I tuned into my body and tried to look at the bigger picture. I realized the issue with my thumb was actually in my elbow. When I wanded my elbow, and then held the wand on the end of my thumb, I felt a very strong current going up from my thumb to my elbow, and guess what......immediate results in my thumb!
Then I looked at my knee, and I felt the need to wand my foot and the inside of my thigh where the leg joins the hip. I immediately experienced a result in my knee! I think it is a bit like peeling an onion. As the various cells in the different parts of the body return to homeostasis, it is a bit like going through all the "stories" backwards until it all comes back into balance.
Now, during the day, I feel the soles of my feet "humming" with energy. It is only as I regain feeling in my feet that I realize how much they were becoming more and more numb. I wear orthotics, and had reached the point that I needed them so much, due to a collapsed arch, that I had to put my shoes on right when I got out of bed in the morning. Now I am walking barefoot around the house with no discomfort!
So, the adventure continues!
For me, this is day seven of living with the AMWand, and the magic continues to unfold. I used to drag myself out of bed in the morning. Now the people at work are not sure what to think of me when I come bouncing in with a smile on my face. It is no exaggeration that I feel at least 15 years younger in terms of vitality, energy, physical flexibility and wellbeing.
I sat down to meditate two days ago, and without thinking sat cross-legged, and it was only after a period of time that I realized I was sitting in that position. I have not been able to sit cross-legged for a number of years. The worst of my symptoms disappeared in the first day, but this sitting cross-legged demonstrated that the changes that were occurring in my body were profound.
Two days ago, before discovering I could sit cross-legged, I was feeling a bit confused and discouraged because all day long I was having a recurrence in two parts of my body that had significant results since first using the wand. I realized by being able to sit cross-legged, how deeply my body is transforming. I took another look at my thumb and knee that were having discomfort. My chiropractor taught me that pain often occurs somewhere other than where the problem is originating.
So I tuned into my body and tried to look at the bigger picture. I realized the issue with my thumb was actually in my elbow. When I wanded my elbow, and then held the wand on the end of my thumb, I felt a very strong current going up from my thumb to my elbow, and guess what......immediate results in my thumb!
Then I looked at my knee, and I felt the need to wand my foot and the inside of my thigh where the leg joins the hip. I immediately experienced a result in my knee! I think it is a bit like peeling an onion. As the various cells in the different parts of the body return to homeostasis, it is a bit like going through all the "stories" backwards until it all comes back into balance.
Now, during the day, I feel the soles of my feet "humming" with energy. It is only as I regain feeling in my feet that I realize how much they were becoming more and more numb. I wear orthotics, and had reached the point that I needed them so much, due to a collapsed arch, that I had to put my shoes on right when I got out of bed in the morning. Now I am walking barefoot around the house with no discomfort!
So, the adventure continues!
Carol Howell
Monday, May 3, 2010
Saturday, May 1, 2010 Call For the Science!
Do you think the effects of wanding are just the placebo effect? Think again! Listen to the Saturday, May 1, call.
It is chock full of the kind of information that puts the Amega products into another category than anything on the market!
Summary of the Call
Silvana goes into the 5 different tests that have been done on the wanding. All are done with very sophisticated instruments used in holistic clinics.
1. Scalar waves and energy measures megahertz, measured the "Beam from our Wand".
Basically anything over 200 MHz is considered strong and supports life. Anything under 200 is weak and not healthy.
Results: OUR WAND..... 1200 MHz!
The results from this test are on our website, when it gets up again.
They measured water which registered over 100 times stronger after AMizing w/the wand. (wanding). They measured a cashew nut, a grape, and an energy field of a person.
A professional tested many methods and NEVER have they seen so much increase.
** This has been video taped and will be made available. **
2. Live Blood Cell Analysis Test
The tech at the clinic has no experience w/our company and products. The blood sample was from a client who has Not Been Wanded, or using any of our AM Technology Products.
Results: Blood was not healthy.
Red blood cells clumped = lack of vitality and oxygen.
White blood cells not moving = immune system weak.
Wanded 3 minutes w/3 wands.
Results: Now perfect, 'no bacteria' in blood.
Tech said, "Incredible! This is true healing." She was at a loss for words.
This is all on video.
3. Bio Pulsar Reflexograph machine. It picks up on pressure points on right hand of subject. Through a computer, it translates information pulses into color. This machine is used in Germany extensively by all allopathic Dr's. It really tells a lot on body's energy.
Wanded 3 minutes w/3 wands.
Results: Looks like a different person.
The tech was very impressed.
4. A system like the Kirlian photography, but more sophisticated. It's called Polycontrast Photography. And records image of electro magnetic field live.
It see's a pattern, then takes a still picture. It uses a special computer and camera.
Several minutes of wanding w/several wands applied intensely.
Results: the energy leaks were stopped.
5. CRT 2000, system measures temperature of meridians. Contact Regulation Thermography, they tested a Canadian Olympic Top Speed Skater, 24 years old and in top shape. This measures 119 contact points in the body, it coincides w/meridians. The client was put in mild stress, by being left in a cool room for 10 minutes, and then he was re-measured.
Results: They saw deficiencies in his field. Used 3 wands for 3 minutes.
The tech was so surprised and said, " You don't know the significance of this = incredible."
This tech's best friend is a top Oncologist in Germany, and they sent the results to him are awaiting his feedback.
The wanding regulated the subjects' stress.
TWO more tests were also done:
A. a MSA, Meridian Stress Analysis Test done by Robert = again, 'very good results'.
b. EDS, Electro Dermal Screening tech w/10 yrs experience... 'amazing'.
This will be translated into Spanish.
WANT TO HEAR MORE ? Tune into that call !
Saturday, May 1
Sunday, May 2, 2010
My Vet Bought an AMWand!
My five year old Dachshund, Winnie Dog, had injured her spine and was in a lot of pain for two weeks. We had to carry her around everywhere. Our vet gave her pain medication, cortisone injections and pain pills that did not help a bit. In fact, it seemed to make her feel worse and we stopped using them. The vet informed us that if she did not improve in a couple more weeks, a $2,500 surgery may be our only choice but no guarantees.
Then the AMWand and AMPendant arrived and we proceeded to wand her spine three times a day for 20 minutes. This went on for four days straight. We put the AMPendant around her neck like a collar and by the fourth day Winnie Dog was back to her old self!
We took her in to see the vet for her weekly scheduled appointment and he couldn't believe it. The inflammation around her vertebrae was completely gone. We told him what we had done and he decided to order a wand for himself...he was that impressed!
He told us to keep her quiet for the next two weeks just in case but I don't think that is going to be possible. You would never guess this little dog ever had an injury. Needless to say, we are thrilled with the AMWand and AMPendant and it's effect on our little friend Winnie.
Debbie Dies,
Friday, April 16, 2010
More Testimonials
Wanding After Poisoning
We have tried too many products to name in hopes of finding lasting relief or even encouragement towards an end to the deterioration of our bodies. How pleased we have been to see the improvements come after using the AMWand! No words can even be conveyed!
For the first time in six years Gary can now lay on his left side without discomfort and actually go to sleep.
His cramping has stopped and his feet and ankles are improved to where he feels he could run again. I had watched in dismay as my precious husband grew old before my eyes and I cannot express the joy in watching him become the happy, joking man I married.
Thank you Amega.
Bobby Kay & Gary Dutton
Caldwell, Idaho
Caldwell, Idaho
Debilitating Back Pain
I have had severe back pain for over 10 years. I didn't get my AMWand right away but one of my enrollees did and came right over to wand my back. On a scale of 1-10, it was at about a number 8 pain. With five minutes of wanding my back felt so much better!
I've had months of acupuncture, epidural shots, and then radio-frequency. My last radio-frequency was January 13, 2010 and the pain dropped down to about a 5 for a week and then started shooting up to a 7 to 8 the following week.
I prayed something new would come along to relieve my pain as the only thing left for me to do was surgery which I didn't want to go through. Then a friend called to tell me about Amega Global and the AMWand. I even had a hard time going down stairs and yesterday I went down 15 stairs with absolutely no problem!
I THANK YOU AMEGA for giving me my life back.
I've had months of acupuncture, epidural shots, and then radio-frequency. My last radio-frequency was January 13, 2010 and the pain dropped down to about a 5 for a week and then started shooting up to a 7 to 8 the following week.
I prayed something new would come along to relieve my pain as the only thing left for me to do was surgery which I didn't want to go through. Then a friend called to tell me about Amega Global and the AMWand. I even had a hard time going down stairs and yesterday I went down 15 stairs with absolutely no problem!
I THANK YOU AMEGA for giving me my life back.
Betty Amann
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Amazing Story
Hello fellow Amegans,
My name is Todd Faassé and I was introduced to this remarkable "Zero Point" technology this February at the ribbon cutting ceremony in Irving, Ca. Since that day I have witnessed the amazing healing power of the human body time and time again. I personally see the Amwand as a type of Bio-energy conductor that amplifies the natural healing signals inside the body. The AMwand has allowed me to help everyone I share it with, with out exception.
But not until recently did I have my own personal healing experience.
To make a long story short, 9 friends and I were run over by a dump truck while waiting at a stop light on our motorcycles here in Phoenix, Arizona on Carefree Highway, the 25th of March, just a couple weeks ago. I lost 4 dear friends in the accident and one is still in a drug induced coma. I'm currently recovering from two broken vertebrae, cracked ribs a fractured foot bone and a concussion to name a few things.
If there is a hidden blessing it has to be that I had an AMwand and a Amized pendant to help me get through.
I thank God I am alive and I thank Amega Global for getting this phenomenal technology out to the rest of the world. I was wearing my Amized Pendant at the time the Dump Truck hit me at approximately 40 miles an hour, while also throwing the motorcyclists behind me into my back, it is a miracle I survived at all.
After the shock wore off I was at pain levels 9 and 10 for 24/7 and couldn't get up or lie down without help . . . I was miserable, to say the least. Ah . . . but I had my AMwand! I couldn't move much, but when I used the wand on my foot, or my neck and head, the pain washed away like a spring rain washes the earth and sky. People started teasing me, because I held onto my wand even when I could manage to sleep. In fact, without my AMwand, I wouldn't have been able to sleep at all. Cracked ribs are extremely painful and I will be healing for some time . . . also you should know, my stitches in my head have left minimal scaring and the inflammation and pain was always instantly relieved when ever I would wand the bruises and cuts.
After the accident my neck swelled up so much from the "whip lash effect" that my ears actually hurt just like an acute ear ache or ear infection, because my Eustachian tubes were pinched shut trapping painful pressure behind my eardrums. By simply waving my AMwand in a clockwise fashion, the ear pain also vanished and I was able to raise and turn my head with much less pain. Since that fateful day on the Carefree Hwy, I have "wanded" my knees, my ankles, my ribs, back and wrists, as well as my stitches and my bruises.
Bottom line is that I have recovered faster than anyone expected, even impressing the doctors.
I have to add that after about the fourth day of experiencing consistent improvements I decided to test the efficacy of the pendant too. That evening I removed my pendant and stopped using the AMwand, by morning the pain returned with a vengeance!
I would say I had it controlled at a level 4 or 5 before I tried not using my "tools." The next morning my pain returned at an intense level 10 and as soon as I put my Amized Pendant back on and began wanding my "pain zones" . . . the intensity of pain and inflammation immediately dropped to an eight and within the next twelve hours finally returned to a dull 5. After the next 24 hours my pain reduced even further. Today I have impressive control over my swelling and am able to care for my self 100%. I still need to wand my foot, ribs and back in the mornings and before bedtime. Each day as I improve more and more at a faster than normal pace.
Now I am helping the others victims get better faster, plus I also witnessed an amazing healing response from my best friend who is now coming out of that coma after I used the AMwand over his battered body in the hospital this last week. He squeezed my hand, opened a twinkling eye and moved one of his feet. I plan on seeing him on a regular basis and I will definitely be bring my AMwand with me . . . let the natural healing begin!
Saying thank you just isn't enough. As far as I am concerned the Amized Zero Point Energy technology is the 9th wonder of the world.
Love and Peace
Todd M. Faassé
Medical Investigator/ Health Journalist
My name is Todd Faassé and I was introduced to this remarkable "Zero Point" technology this February at the ribbon cutting ceremony in Irving, Ca. Since that day I have witnessed the amazing healing power of the human body time and time again. I personally see the Amwand as a type of Bio-energy conductor that amplifies the natural healing signals inside the body. The AMwand has allowed me to help everyone I share it with, with out exception.
But not until recently did I have my own personal healing experience.
To make a long story short, 9 friends and I were run over by a dump truck while waiting at a stop light on our motorcycles here in Phoenix, Arizona on Carefree Highway, the 25th of March, just a couple weeks ago. I lost 4 dear friends in the accident and one is still in a drug induced coma. I'm currently recovering from two broken vertebrae, cracked ribs a fractured foot bone and a concussion to name a few things.
If there is a hidden blessing it has to be that I had an AMwand and a Amized pendant to help me get through.
I thank God I am alive and I thank Amega Global for getting this phenomenal technology out to the rest of the world. I was wearing my Amized Pendant at the time the Dump Truck hit me at approximately 40 miles an hour, while also throwing the motorcyclists behind me into my back, it is a miracle I survived at all.
After the shock wore off I was at pain levels 9 and 10 for 24/7 and couldn't get up or lie down without help . . . I was miserable, to say the least. Ah . . . but I had my AMwand! I couldn't move much, but when I used the wand on my foot, or my neck and head, the pain washed away like a spring rain washes the earth and sky. People started teasing me, because I held onto my wand even when I could manage to sleep. In fact, without my AMwand, I wouldn't have been able to sleep at all. Cracked ribs are extremely painful and I will be healing for some time . . . also you should know, my stitches in my head have left minimal scaring and the inflammation and pain was always instantly relieved when ever I would wand the bruises and cuts.
After the accident my neck swelled up so much from the "whip lash effect" that my ears actually hurt just like an acute ear ache or ear infection, because my Eustachian tubes were pinched shut trapping painful pressure behind my eardrums. By simply waving my AMwand in a clockwise fashion, the ear pain also vanished and I was able to raise and turn my head with much less pain. Since that fateful day on the Carefree Hwy, I have "wanded" my knees, my ankles, my ribs, back and wrists, as well as my stitches and my bruises.
Bottom line is that I have recovered faster than anyone expected, even impressing the doctors.
I have to add that after about the fourth day of experiencing consistent improvements I decided to test the efficacy of the pendant too. That evening I removed my pendant and stopped using the AMwand, by morning the pain returned with a vengeance!
I would say I had it controlled at a level 4 or 5 before I tried not using my "tools." The next morning my pain returned at an intense level 10 and as soon as I put my Amized Pendant back on and began wanding my "pain zones" . . . the intensity of pain and inflammation immediately dropped to an eight and within the next twelve hours finally returned to a dull 5. After the next 24 hours my pain reduced even further. Today I have impressive control over my swelling and am able to care for my self 100%. I still need to wand my foot, ribs and back in the mornings and before bedtime. Each day as I improve more and more at a faster than normal pace.
Now I am helping the others victims get better faster, plus I also witnessed an amazing healing response from my best friend who is now coming out of that coma after I used the AMwand over his battered body in the hospital this last week. He squeezed my hand, opened a twinkling eye and moved one of his feet. I plan on seeing him on a regular basis and I will definitely be bring my AMwand with me . . . let the natural healing begin!
Saying thank you just isn't enough. As far as I am concerned the Amized Zero Point Energy technology is the 9th wonder of the world.
Love and Peace
Todd M. Faassé
Medical Investigator/ Health Journalist
Monday, April 12, 2010
Another testimonial
I have been an adult onset diabetic for about 30 years. My right foot has been numb for several years. I started using the wand on it an hour or so a day and now it is less numb and I seem to be gradually getting feeling back in the foot.
I sometimes wear the wand clipped to my tee shirt a day or so at a time. My resting pulse rate has dropped from about 80 to about 65, though today after a nap, it was down to 48. I noticed my thinking is clearer at times and I tend to be a bit more alert.
I sometimes wear the wand clipped to my tee shirt a day or so at a time. My resting pulse rate has dropped from about 80 to about 65, though today after a nap, it was down to 48. I noticed my thinking is clearer at times and I tend to be a bit more alert.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Testimonial Re Nura Wellness Center
I want to share my incredible experience while recently visiting the Nura Wellness Center.
Upon arrival, it was immediately apparent that this place was something different, something larger than myself with a peace surrounding and within it that contradicted the bustling city just outside its walls. My first moment of gratitude was in meeting the staff. They were all so very lovely and gracious that I felt just like part of a family. I was ushered into an assessment area where they proceeded to conduct a multitude of tests so that they would have before and after data.
Next, I was shown into an area called a fractal energy chamber and proceeded to experience 5 more chambers where I experienced various stages of thoughtlessness. What I mean by that is a shift in my thoughts to the place where I could experience silence and peace to varying degrees. It was obvious to me that in that silence I could release my thoughts and just BE. What an absolute freedom to allow myself to be reminded that experiencing just BEING instead of DOING could be BLISS.
A shift occurred for me that continues to linger in this moment. I am grounded in gratitude to the point of being reduced to tears of joy multiple times per day. But that wasn't all: I was also treated to a series of blissful energized facials and a massage that almost left me unable to communicate. I was in such a state of relaxation and bliss!
After all my treatments were complete, I was walked through the reports demonstrating various frequencies that were lacking or disrupted in my energy. This information rang so true, that I continue to be amazed at the connection that they, Nura, had with my spirit and energy. There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that this facility is something remarkably special with the power to shift anything I was attached to and to change LIVES!!!
My life is forever changed as a result of my experience and I am forever grateful to be a part of this mission. I am so excited that part of the Amega vision is to have a Nura facility closer to home in North America!
Thank You Amega. Namaste
Upon arrival, it was immediately apparent that this place was something different, something larger than myself with a peace surrounding and within it that contradicted the bustling city just outside its walls. My first moment of gratitude was in meeting the staff. They were all so very lovely and gracious that I felt just like part of a family. I was ushered into an assessment area where they proceeded to conduct a multitude of tests so that they would have before and after data.
Next, I was shown into an area called a fractal energy chamber and proceeded to experience 5 more chambers where I experienced various stages of thoughtlessness. What I mean by that is a shift in my thoughts to the place where I could experience silence and peace to varying degrees. It was obvious to me that in that silence I could release my thoughts and just BE. What an absolute freedom to allow myself to be reminded that experiencing just BEING instead of DOING could be BLISS.
A shift occurred for me that continues to linger in this moment. I am grounded in gratitude to the point of being reduced to tears of joy multiple times per day. But that wasn't all: I was also treated to a series of blissful energized facials and a massage that almost left me unable to communicate. I was in such a state of relaxation and bliss!
After all my treatments were complete, I was walked through the reports demonstrating various frequencies that were lacking or disrupted in my energy. This information rang so true, that I continue to be amazed at the connection that they, Nura, had with my spirit and energy. There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that this facility is something remarkably special with the power to shift anything I was attached to and to change LIVES!!!
My life is forever changed as a result of my experience and I am forever grateful to be a part of this mission. I am so excited that part of the Amega vision is to have a Nura facility closer to home in North America!
Thank You Amega. Namaste
Lara Bolton
Blue Diamond
Vancouver BC
Blue Diamond
Vancouver BC
Sunday, April 4, 2010
I have been using my AMWand on a very good friend's mom, Florence, who has diabetes. She had blood clots and had to have her leg amputated. I went to visit her in the hospital and she was having tingling in her amputated leg. She was getting anxious and worked up emotionally. I explained the energy field was still there and offered to use my AMWand to see it would help.
I did a clockwise rotation in that area of her missing leg and around her body. I worked on her only a few minutes and while I was working on her I asked her to close her eyes and breath, just allow her body to balance. When I checked in with her she told me the discomfort was totally gone! She was so relaxed that she was immediately ready for a nap. I said good night told her I would see her next time.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Another Testimonial!
I met UPS at their transfer area Monday, mid AM and picked up my precious, LONG-AWAITED package with the AMWand. :-)
Began immediately to wand neck, shoulders, upper arms where there's been 'nuisance' pain (#3?) since mid last summer, but sometimes not so 'nuisance.' Neck is out of joint and chiropractor not able to get one spot in place, though their team has been a great help, overall, for several years, so I've just let it go and live with narrowed range of motion of neck and arms. No use spending the bucks with no results on that particular 'rock wall.'
I continued for about eight minutes, but within a very short time, I could tell that the pain from moving arms in all directions and formations was greatly subsiding. Also, I gained much more range of motion with the neck, without pain, but only a stiffness in the sides of head, where I directed the wand for a longer time. The range of motion of the arms remained throughout the day, with only a bit of stiffness that returned when doing very full range well beyond the norm that a person does in a day, such as reaching straight back, criss cross over the head and chest, twisting, etc...... The neck, to a degree, resumed it's 'usual' pain 'n stiffness when turning to certain spot, thanks to the one joint being 'out.'
I did some additional wanding Monday night on the same areas, plus all the energy centers, finger and toe tips, since I'm in finishing stages of a cold---- due to months of burning candle at both ends.
:-( Tuesday AM called for more of the same. I cannot figure why the arms would remain basically pain free even when the cause is still present, but it's enjoyable to not have to wince when lifting arms above my head or in any other position I can imagine!
Began immediately to wand neck, shoulders, upper arms where there's been 'nuisance' pain (#3?) since mid last summer, but sometimes not so 'nuisance.' Neck is out of joint and chiropractor not able to get one spot in place, though their team has been a great help, overall, for several years, so I've just let it go and live with narrowed range of motion of neck and arms. No use spending the bucks with no results on that particular 'rock wall.'
I continued for about eight minutes, but within a very short time, I could tell that the pain from moving arms in all directions and formations was greatly subsiding. Also, I gained much more range of motion with the neck, without pain, but only a stiffness in the sides of head, where I directed the wand for a longer time. The range of motion of the arms remained throughout the day, with only a bit of stiffness that returned when doing very full range well beyond the norm that a person does in a day, such as reaching straight back, criss cross over the head and chest, twisting, etc...... The neck, to a degree, resumed it's 'usual' pain 'n stiffness when turning to certain spot, thanks to the one joint being 'out.'
I did some additional wanding Monday night on the same areas, plus all the energy centers, finger and toe tips, since I'm in finishing stages of a cold---- due to months of burning candle at both ends.
:-( Tuesday AM called for more of the same. I cannot figure why the arms would remain basically pain free even when the cause is still present, but it's enjoyable to not have to wince when lifting arms above my head or in any other position I can imagine!
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Canadian Orders Issue
From Blue Diamond Support:
There was a shipping issue with Canadian orders. We had some problems with customs but a workaround has been created. The courier is coming here to clear customs before we even ship the product so that it is a straight shot once it leaves our warehouse. They are doing blocks of 300 orders at a time. They will be shipping about 500 orders to Canada this week and the remainder by the end of next week. So for all Canada orders, the goal is to have all back orders completed by the end of next week and they are currently processing orders for the first week of February.
Monday, March 22, 2010
Cancer Pain Relief??
This comes from one of my people.
YOUTUBE VIDEO #1 Video of a 92 year old woman in Australia with a frozen shoulder:
Click here : v=YZb9e2SCRAk
YOUTUBE VIDEO #2 - Nanny's LEG Relief and more Shoulder Amazement! "I Can't Belieeeeeve It!"
Click here : v=oaMQgAWJPWk
My friend with cancer controls her pain entirely with the wand. No one is saying anything about curing, but if you know anything about advanced cancer, you know that it can extremely painful and is usually held in check with powerful pain killers. L. uses no painkillers other than the wand.
LR has an ankle that acts up, i.e. it can throb and cause her not to be able to sleep. It was doing that one night and she remembered her wand, wanded for a few minutes and the pain went away.
Then there is this from Australia. "Nana" has an arm that won't lift past the shoulder. Watch the reaction on her face after being wanded for a few minutes. Keeping in mind that this condition has been with her for about 2 years. Go ahead, try to tell me that reaction is faked. :-)
YOUTUBE VIDEO #1 Video of a 92 year old woman in Australia with a frozen shoulder:
Click here :
YOUTUBE VIDEO #2 - Nanny's LEG Relief and more Shoulder Amazement! "I Can't Belieeeeeve It!"
Click here :
Sunday, March 21, 2010
New Zealand Testimonial
This is my testimonial about using the AMWand for the first 10 days only. My birthday is this month and I will be 85 years young! I feel like I'm getting a new body already!
For decades I've had back pain which the doctors call sclerosis, and periods of inactivity because of the pain. Four years ago I fell, resulting in my left hip and pelvis getting turned, yet another new kind of pain. I'm small, weighing 80 pounds and the doctors have said for years not to lose any more weight.
My husband is big and for about five years has been declining with Parkinson's, so I have become a care-giver. This has been a big strain on my small body and so my pains became intense. It became necessary to have outside help for just daily living and household work. All that kept me going were frequent trips to the chiropractor and, after an adjustment, I would be on ice the rest of day and evening. The day I heard about the AMWand, I would have emptied my bank account to get relief. Fortunately, I didn't have to take such drastic action!
My wand arrived on a Wednesday evening so on Thursday had someone wand all the sore areas on and around my hip and some on back. On Friday I was standing tall and had gone from a pain point of about 9 (10 means CALL 911!) down to a 3!
For years, during the night, pain awakened me every couple of hours and I'd have to get up and walk and then go back for more sleep, becoming sleep deprived. Bed was like a prison for me and I was surrounded with pillows, trying to find a comfortable position. The morning after my first wand experience, everyone in the house including the nurse was amazed, just watching me walk, tall and straight.
Now I wand myself, knowing that the wand does not heal, but that I'm giving my body zero-point energy which reminds all the cells that they come from Source. My body responded because it only knows perfection. In that state of perfection, my body was able to shake off the ideas of disability and dysfunction which were manifesting as pain.
Before the wanding, I was not permitted to pick up anything heavier than a glass of water, nor anything off the floor! What a blessing it is to be able to do those simple household tasks, like loading and unloading a dishwasher, and doing a load of laundry, without paying for it in pain!! I'm in a continual attitude of gratitude ! I've ordered 3 AMPendants, one for each member of my household for obvious reasons!
For decades I've had back pain which the doctors call sclerosis, and periods of inactivity because of the pain. Four years ago I fell, resulting in my left hip and pelvis getting turned, yet another new kind of pain. I'm small, weighing 80 pounds and the doctors have said for years not to lose any more weight.
My husband is big and for about five years has been declining with Parkinson's, so I have become a care-giver. This has been a big strain on my small body and so my pains became intense. It became necessary to have outside help for just daily living and household work. All that kept me going were frequent trips to the chiropractor and, after an adjustment, I would be on ice the rest of day and evening. The day I heard about the AMWand, I would have emptied my bank account to get relief. Fortunately, I didn't have to take such drastic action!
My wand arrived on a Wednesday evening so on Thursday had someone wand all the sore areas on and around my hip and some on back. On Friday I was standing tall and had gone from a pain point of about 9 (10 means CALL 911!) down to a 3!
For years, during the night, pain awakened me every couple of hours and I'd have to get up and walk and then go back for more sleep, becoming sleep deprived. Bed was like a prison for me and I was surrounded with pillows, trying to find a comfortable position. The morning after my first wand experience, everyone in the house including the nurse was amazed, just watching me walk, tall and straight.
Now I wand myself, knowing that the wand does not heal, but that I'm giving my body zero-point energy which reminds all the cells that they come from Source. My body responded because it only knows perfection. In that state of perfection, my body was able to shake off the ideas of disability and dysfunction which were manifesting as pain.
Before the wanding, I was not permitted to pick up anything heavier than a glass of water, nor anything off the floor! What a blessing it is to be able to do those simple household tasks, like loading and unloading a dishwasher, and doing a load of laundry, without paying for it in pain!! I'm in a continual attitude of gratitude ! I've ordered 3 AMPendants, one for each member of my household for obvious reasons!
Ann Carlisle,
Gilbert AZ
Gilbert AZ
Disclaimer: Amega products are not intended to treat, cure, or diagnose any disease or condition. No claims of efficacy are intended nor implied.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Watch This 92 Old Woman!
YOUTUBE VIDEO #1 Video of a 92 year old woman in Australia with a frozen shoulder:
Click here :
YOUTUBE VIDEO #2 - Nanny's LEG Relief and more Shoulder Amazement! "I Can't Belieeeeeve It!"
Click here :
Just Do It! and More Testimonials
Here are some excerpts from an email sent from one of my people in Hawaii ...our mtg (meeting) went well with 2 wands in the room.....every demo worked dramatically...wanding the 3 ft space with the strongest person in the room was great....both of his arms were really sore before, then his strength was massive after 1 minute of wanding the space and he could really tell the taste difference in the red wine too.
My dental hygeinist is REALLY excited...wanded her yesterday....for neck issues and
her deaf ear is healed...she cancelled her chiro appointment and only needed 2 1/2
hours sleep last night....she's coming in on Friday....Her carpal tunnel hand is 100% pain
free.....she called me 10 minutes after she was wanded and said...If you want me on
speaker phone at your mtg....I'm available!!
Amega_Divine has 5 coming last nite and more today....
Big mtg this Friday in Kihei....doing upcountry every monday nite and rotating
homes in Kihei.
I've sure learned that calling key people in the beginning to listen to this link as soon as you can.....and I'll call you back a few of my prospects are now approaching me to join with them.
Our new one from last nite is headed to japan in one month....
There are some important messages in this email. First, having gatherings to PROPERLY demonstrate the wand is important. This person happens to have skill in muscle testing. It is not that hard to learn and if you can find someone to teach you about how to do this you will be able to demonstrate the effectiveness of the wand in a very convincing manner leaving no room for doubt. Muscle testing is very powerful. It is a strength test that is very clearly understood and felt by the person tested.
The other point in this email is to really get on the phone and get people to check their email you JUST sent them with the audio. Ask them if they can take the time to listen RIGHT NOW. If so, tell them you will call them back in 40 minutes or when the call is expected to be done. If not, try to set a time to call back after they can listen to it, perhaps the next day.
NEVER try to explain anything. It is unlikely you can do better than the audios. Let the audios do the heavy lifting for you.
When there are questions, just say it is better to listen to the audio. 'I don't know' is also an acceptable answer. 'I have no idea as I am as new to this as you are. But, I think we need to pay some attention to what this is all about! So, listen to the audio then let's get OUR questions answered by someone who knows!' It is OKAY to be lacking knowledge at this. I personally need to learn a whole lot more about these products and the company. But, that is no reason to stop taking action. People who are doing the best at this right now FEEL the need to act. It is not coming from their HEAD. Thinking too much will defeat you and you could end up with analysis paralysis.
As they say, 'Just Do It!'
Monday, March 15, 2010
More Testimonials
Blisters from Snow Shoveling...I signed up with Amega on the 13th of Jan 2010. I received my wand on the 3rd of February 2010. The day I received it I had been shoveling the snow off of my driveway for at least a couple of hours. My left hand began to hurt and it felt like I was going to have blisters come up at the base of my middle finger, third and little fingers. It hurt and was very red.
I opened up my wand and began to wand the area. I noticed that it was not as painful and the redness had faded within a short while. I continued to wand the area frequently and by bed time the area was just barely red and the pain was gone. Blisters did not appear and I was completely surprised and totally amazed. Thank you!
I opened up my wand and began to wand the area. I noticed that it was not as painful and the redness had faded within a short while. I continued to wand the area frequently and by bed time the area was just barely red and the pain was gone. Blisters did not appear and I was completely surprised and totally amazed. Thank you!
Neck Pain and AMWand...I was born with a degenerative spine disease and suffered pain all of my life. I grew accustomed to the pain and learned to live with it. I understand now that the pain indicates that the body is continuing to deteriorate.
In 1998 my neck "crashed" I was in acute pain that was a level 911 and beyond. I underwent surgery to remove bone overgrowth that had built up over the years. I was told that what I really needed was a new neck.
A few weeks ago I went to Vancouver BC to experience the Amega products for myself. What I experienced was miraculous.
I approached Amega CEO Arun Kemer at the special Diamond dinner and spoke with him privately about my condition. As we spoke he asked me if I was ready to let go of the pain and did I BELIEVE that I could let go of the pain. I said yes.
He then walked to the front of the room and announced to everyone that we would help an individual to come back to complete balance and harmony. I was further shocked when he called me to the front of the room.
I was told to lie down on the floor and close my eyes. I only learned afterwards that there were 8 wands being used on me. This went on for around ten minutes. It is difficult to describe what I felt. It was more that just feelings and it was unlike anything I ever experienced before. After the process was complete I laid on the floor unable to move. The easiest way to describe how I was feeling was imagine having a full body massage that lasted for hours! I was finally able to get up with assistance. After a while I realized that I was completely free of pain.
For those of you that want to know if I am still pain free: YES. I waited to write this for a reason. I visited my Chiropractor three days ago for my adjustment for the first time since my wanding. Upon examination, he told me that the blockage is gone!!
My body is starting to function again and I see a beautiful future for myself as a completely whole person and very comforted by the technologies that Amega has and will be forever grateful to Arun and this company for creating this self care revolution. I can share with you all how my life will never be the same, and how we all will change people's lives for the better. I KNOW that what WAS before IS no longer with me. Thank you Amega and my new family!!!
Monday, March 8, 2010
Zero Point Energy on Wiki
Energy Medicine: The Scientific Basis
Here is a link on Zero Point Energy from Wikipedia.
Here are some books on the subject at Amazon.
Here are some books on the subject at Amazon.
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Wow! Testimonial!
Wow is all I can say!
I got my wand today and have been wanding everything!
I put my back out on Monday and have been hobbling around all week and in pain.
Got Ernie to wand my lower back while laying down.
I could feel a funny sensation and tingling right away. It even went down my leg.
He wanded for maybe 5 mins as his arm got tired doing it.
I got up and there was no more pain!! I was so excited!
I then got him to lay on the bed and I did his lower left side and down his leg. He has had no feeling in it for a few years now. Just a hot burning sensation down his leg right to the end of his toes. He could not feel me working on the left side but I would go to his right side and he could feel that. So it defiantly was doing something. I will keep working on his left side and maybe the feeling will come back in time.
I then went to an older lady that I know well who has been sitting in a chair with her legs up for 3 weeks now. They are even talking amputation maybe. She is a very heavy lady and has a lot of health issues. Very large ulcers on her ankles and huge swelling. I asked her if I could wand her leg and she said no not till after next Wed. when she saw her Dr. because she was on medication. She is a very negative person so I thought ok I won't wand her. I was talking and visiting with her and then asked if she had any pain anywhere? Of course she said yes. I asked her if I could work on the large hump on her upper back and neck which she said was always sore.
She finally said yes so I started wanding all across her shoulders and neck for maybe 5 mins and she said I can feel a tingling. Pretty soon she was turning her neck and she said she couldn't feel anymore pain. So I just kept wanding away and all of a sudden she said go ahead and do my leg! So I got a chair and made myself comfortable and started wanding the worst leg. I must have worked on her foot ankle and leg for 1/2 hour. While doing it she said her foot really felt hot............... when I was finished I said how does your ankle feel now. She was moving and twisting it around and she said she had no more pain in it. She could not believe it.
When I left I said now you call me tomorrow and tell me if the pain comes back. So will see if I get a call tomorrow from her.
She finally said yes so I started wanding all across her shoulders and neck for maybe 5 mins and she said I can feel a tingling. Pretty soon she was turning her neck and she said she couldn't feel anymore pain. So I just kept wanding away and all of a sudden she said go ahead and do my leg! So I got a chair and made myself comfortable and started wanding the worst leg. I must have worked on her foot ankle and leg for 1/2 hour. While doing it she said her foot really felt hot............... when I was finished I said how does your ankle feel now. She was moving and twisting it around and she said she had no more pain in it. She could not believe it.
When I left I said now you call me tomorrow and tell me if the pain comes back. So will see if I get a call tomorrow from her.
I then stopped at another friend as she has a lot of health issues and is always in pain. I asked her where she had the most pain. She said her foot has been so sore & painful for 7 years she can hardly move it. She said she could not even touch it because it is so sore. So i said put your foot up on my leg and I will wand it. So I did for about 10 mins and all the while she could feel things happening and the pain also moving around. I just kept wanding and then said ok stand up and walk on it and move it around. The pain was totally gone. She said I can't believe this! She'd had it for so long...............
She then said I cannot touch this spot on my stomach because it was so tender and sore. I got her to lay down and wanded for maybe 10 mins and all the while she could feel the pain moving all over. I got her to stand up and feel and she said the pain is totally gone!! She hugged me when I left............
She then said I cannot touch this spot on my stomach because it was so tender and sore. I got her to lay down and wanded for maybe 10 mins and all the while she could feel the pain moving all over. I got her to stand up and feel and she said the pain is totally gone!! She hugged me when I left............
I have also tried wanding an orange. There is defiantly a difference in the taste. The wanded one is much sweeter.
I will be wanding everything in site! It truly is amazing what this little wand can do !
I know many of you have been waiting for a testimonial from me when I got my wand so here you have it!
I've only had it for 5 hours!
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