Here is some information from one of my Blue Diamonds...
Drinking the AMWater since the middle of May has had such a positive impact for us.
We LOVE drinking our alkaline, micro-clustered (1/3 the water molecule size of tap or filtered water), ionized, zero point field energized, filtered and oxygenated water. We cook with it, make ice cubes with it AND all of our BA's are welcome to take home the AMWater on Monday
or Thursday nights if attending our Wand Gatherings or BA Trainings.
We believe that if a person drinks 2 glasses of AMWater before they are wanded and more afterwards, they will experience a better result. Wanding 2 glasses of water before a wanding is also something worth doing.
We drink 1/2 of our weight in ounces per day and even more when the weather is hot, or after vigorous exercise.
Here is an article that our live blood cell technician shared with us recently, AND here is a You Tube link explaining Acid/Alkaline pH. This information needs to be taught to children, so they know WHY it is important to eat fresh fruits and vegetables. v=hpoAtwVyzZI&feature=player_ embedded-
The following are commonly asked questions about Dr. Young's science of pH and his answers: Dr Young is the author of "The pH Miracle For Diabetes". His wife Shelley Redford Young co-authored this book which includes a diet plan for type 1 and type 2 diabetics.
Question: How important is it to maintain an alkaline pH in our blood, saliva, urine and sweat?
Dr. Young: Maintaining the alkaline pH of the saliva, urine, tears, sweat and blood is critical. Testing the body fluid pH is the most important daily measurement anyone can do to maintain health and fitness and to PREVENT ALL sickness and disease.
The beauty of the pH test is that you don't need to go to a doctor to do it. You can do it yourself. You can actually become your own health manager and moniter your own health with this simple test. And if you'll remember this rule--if you maintain the saliva and the urine pH, ideally at 7.2 or above, you will never get sick. That's right, you will NEVER get sick!
The key is to manage the alkaline design of the body fluids. But, most people on the planet have a urine or saliva pH in the 6's or even the 5's. They don't manage their pH. People take better care of the pH level of their aquariums, swimming pools, or spas, than their own internal body fluids.
Managing the pH of your body fluids is simple. All you do is take some pH Hydrion paper or litmus paper, moisten it with saliva and urine and then check the color on the color-coded chart. The chart measures the pH of saliva, urine, sweat, and tears in 5.0 to 8.5 increments. Ideally, you want your saliva, urine, sweat and tears to measure at least 7.2 or better.
Managing you body fluid pH with an alkaline lifestyle and diet is the healthiest advice I could give anyone on this planet. It is inexpensive. It is simple, and it works.
Question: When these body fluids stay acidic for days, weeks, months or years, what happens to human health?
Dr. Young: What happens to human health when you stay in the acidic zone? You get sick, tired and fat. And, if you don't get fat, you die. When you are underweight, you are living on your own body tissue. Your body is making red blood cells out of body cells. Why? Because you have damaged the root system of your small intestine with acidic food, drink, harmful digestive enzymes, probiotics, antibiotics and other acidic drugs. You are constantly breaking down your own body cells in order to maintain the level of red blood cells at 5 million red blood cells per cubic millimetre.
In order to build muscle and bones you have to have healthy strong red blood cells. In order to have healthy strong red blood cells you have to have a healthy alkaline root system or intestinal villi with an alkaline lifestyle and diet. You build healthy blood with electron-rich green alkaline foods and drinks. When you are constantly bombarding your internal environment with acidic foods and drinks and damaging your intestinal villi, you set the stage for all sickness and dis-ease.
You must protect the alkaline design of the body. When you start using up your alkaline reserves and you do not replace those reserves with alkaline foods and drinks, you begin to compromise other parts of the body. This is especially so if the daily diet is loaded with acidic foods and drinks.
When the alkaline reserves are deficient, and when the diet is also deficient in food or drink that should be building up those alkaline reserves, the body starts pulling alkaline minerals from the bones, muscles, ligaments and cartilage. This causes deficiencies of the bones and muscles. That's why many older people actually shrink and become bent over. They have cannibalized their own body by stealing mineral salts from their own infrastructure to help alkalize too many acids in the body.
Dr. Young: Maintaining the alkaline pH of the saliva, urine, tears, sweat and blood is critical. Testing the body fluid pH is the most important daily measurement anyone can do to maintain health and fitness and to PREVENT ALL sickness and disease.
The beauty of the pH test is that you don't need to go to a doctor to do it. You can do it yourself. You can actually become your own health manager and moniter your own health with this simple test. And if you'll remember this rule--if you maintain the saliva and the urine pH, ideally at 7.2 or above, you will never get sick. That's right, you will NEVER get sick!
The key is to manage the alkaline design of the body fluids. But, most people on the planet have a urine or saliva pH in the 6's or even the 5's. They don't manage their pH. People take better care of the pH level of their aquariums, swimming pools, or spas, than their own internal body fluids.
Managing the pH of your body fluids is simple. All you do is take some pH Hydrion paper or litmus paper, moisten it with saliva and urine and then check the color on the color-coded chart. The chart measures the pH of saliva, urine, sweat, and tears in 5.0 to 8.5 increments. Ideally, you want your saliva, urine, sweat and tears to measure at least 7.2 or better.
Managing you body fluid pH with an alkaline lifestyle and diet is the healthiest advice I could give anyone on this planet. It is inexpensive. It is simple, and it works.
Question: When these body fluids stay acidic for days, weeks, months or years, what happens to human health?
Dr. Young: What happens to human health when you stay in the acidic zone? You get sick, tired and fat. And, if you don't get fat, you die. When you are underweight, you are living on your own body tissue. Your body is making red blood cells out of body cells. Why? Because you have damaged the root system of your small intestine with acidic food, drink, harmful digestive enzymes, probiotics, antibiotics and other acidic drugs. You are constantly breaking down your own body cells in order to maintain the level of red blood cells at 5 million red blood cells per cubic millimetre.
In order to build muscle and bones you have to have healthy strong red blood cells. In order to have healthy strong red blood cells you have to have a healthy alkaline root system or intestinal villi with an alkaline lifestyle and diet. You build healthy blood with electron-rich green alkaline foods and drinks. When you are constantly bombarding your internal environment with acidic foods and drinks and damaging your intestinal villi, you set the stage for all sickness and dis-ease.
You must protect the alkaline design of the body. When you start using up your alkaline reserves and you do not replace those reserves with alkaline foods and drinks, you begin to compromise other parts of the body. This is especially so if the daily diet is loaded with acidic foods and drinks.
When the alkaline reserves are deficient, and when the diet is also deficient in food or drink that should be building up those alkaline reserves, the body starts pulling alkaline minerals from the bones, muscles, ligaments and cartilage. This causes deficiencies of the bones and muscles. That's why many older people actually shrink and become bent over. They have cannibalized their own body by stealing mineral salts from their own infrastructure to help alkalize too many acids in the body.
When your blood is compromised from a deficiency of alkaline reserves such as sodium bicarbonate or the elements to make sodium bicarbonate, the body will begin pulling calcium from the bones and/or magnesium from the muscles to maintain the alkalinity of the blood plasma. This is when you will start experiencing the deficiencies of alkalinity that are expressed in the seven stages of acidosis, going from various sensitivities all the way up to degeneration such as cancerous cells.
Question: What are some of the positive things that would occur if all of these body fluids are alkaline?
Dr. Young: When you are alkalized, you are energized. And when you are energized, you feel better and think better. You have sustainable energy when you are alkalized. When you eat and drink alkaline you are making energy deposits to your body, like a bank account. You are making alkaline deposits to your energy bank account and to your alkaline reserves or energy savings account. The positive benefits of being alkaline are incredible health, energy, fitness, mental clarity and vitality.
Question: We're going to use your term--why is the "New Biology™" so important?
Dr. Young: The New Biology™ is important because it is based on a foundational health principal, that the human body is alkaline by design, but every function of the body is acidic. So every disease is nothing more than the body trying to maintain its alkaline design. So when we're talking about bone disease, the body is taking alkalinity from the bones to maintain the alkalinity of the blood which is the most important organ of the body. Once the blood becomes acidic, you will die very soon. A drop from the normal blood pH of 7.365 to 6.9 will cause one to go into a coma. The blood pH has a very narrow range for health and vitality. The normal healthy blood pH is at 7.365. If the blood pH drops down to 7.2, you start feeling very sick and at 6.9 will die very soon.
So the body will do everything it can to maintain the alkaline integrity of the blood, at the expense of all other organs and organ systems. Once we understand the foundational theory of the New Biology™, and I'll repeat it again: the human organism is alkaline by design, although acidic by function. So breathing is acidic. Thinking is acidic. Eating is acidic. Metabolism is acidic. The process of breaking down the food you eat is acidic. Everything you eat is acidic to a greater or lesser degree. The body has to protect itself. The body protects itself with the alkaline buffering system which is currently NOT understood by medical savants. Your body is looking for energy in the form of electrons or electron-rich food and drink. Health is all about energy. The New Biology™ teaches us the foundational principles of health, fitness and energy and how to maintain that health, fitness and energy, for a lifetime, free from ALL sickness and disease.
Question: For the body's immune system to work properly is alkalinity the most important thing to monitor?
Dr. Young: Yes, immunity from ALL sickness and disease comes from alkalinity, NOT from white blood cells. We were all taught in human biology that immunity comes from white blood cells protecting us from some invading germ or virus. White blood cells provide NO immunity. White blood cells do not destroy germs. White blood cells are glorified janitors that swim around in our blood and lymphatic plasma picking up the garbage we create from an acidic lifestyle and diet. White blood cells are NOT soldiers, destroying some invading germ coming in from the outside world that would make us sick.
True immunity comes to each of us by maintaining the alkaline fluids of the body. That is where true immunity is found. The first line of defense against sickness and disease is an alkaline internal environment. As soon as you put something acidic into your mind, into your mouth, or into your lungs, your alkaline buffering system is immediately engaged in trying to neutralize or buffer any acidic food, drink, or thought that might be present. That's true immunity. It is found in the alkaline reserves for your body. When you have an alkaline lifestyle and diet, you are able to defend or neutralize environmental, dietary or metabolic acids that would make you sick, tired and/or fat.
Germs DO NOT cause disease. Acids cause pain, sickness and disease. There is a simple way to understand this principal. Let's compare our bodies to an automobile. When you start your car, the car begins using energy. As the car uses energy is creates an acidic waste product called carbon monoxide. When you turn the car off you stop producing this acid. If you start the car again and stuff a few socks or a potato in the tailpipe the car will die from carbon monoxide acidosis.
If you were to stop eliminating your own acidic waste products through urination, perspiration, defecation or respiration, like the car, you would die too. The body has ways of protecting itself from excess acidity. When dietary and/or metabolic acids are not properly eliminated, they get parked on your hips, thighs, buttocks, waistline, breast and brain. The body does this to protect and preserve the organs and organ systems that sustain life. Your best immunity in order to protect your body from ALL sickness and disease DOES NOT come from vaccination or medication. True immunity comes from protecting the alkaline design of the body with an alkaline lifestyle and diet. Once again, white blood cells, including neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils, and T and B-cells help to maintain cleanliness. And in reality, they are just the janitors of your body fluids like an automatic pool sweep. You can support your white blood cells with an electron-rich alkaline lifestyle and diet.
Question: What is the easiest way for someone to check and maintain their body's pH?
Dr. Young: The easiest way for someone to check and maintain the body fluid pH is to test the urine and saliva.
The best time to test the urine is in the morning, because the morning urine is an expression of what you ate and what you drank and how you lived your life the previous, 24 hours. The morning urine is not a product of the blood; it is a product of the tissues. When you measure your urine, you are measuring the pH of your tissues. If your pH is below the ideal of 7.2, and it measures in the 5's or 6's, you are in tissue acidosis. When someone over-exercises they can go into lactic tissue acidosis. Lactic acid from over-exercise is felt in the connective tissues and muscles. When the muscles are sore, that's the tissues picking up the acid to maintain the alkaline blood pH. The blood has to rid itself of metabolic acids or you would die. So it throws the acid out into the muscle tissues and you feel it as irritation or inflammation. If the lactic acid stays in the tissues, it will spoil the tissue cells and the body will go into preservation mode.
In preservation mode, the body will encapsulate the cells spoiled by lactic acid, and now you have a tumor. The tumor is the solution to stop systemic spoiling or metastasis. When the lymphatic system is healthy, it will pull the lactic acid out of the tissues, and eventually you will sweat it out or it will be recycled back into the blood and you will urinate it out. This is very, very important. So remember, when you are testing the pH of your urine, you are testing the pH of the fluids in and from the tissues.
When you are testing your saliva, you are testing your ability or potential to alkalize your food and drink. So when you're saliva pH is below 7.2, your potential for alkalizing your food, drink and emotions is less. Your reserves are low. You need to make a deposit to your alkaline bank account. And that would be the same with your urine. When your urine is acidic, you need to start alkalizing. You run the risk of staying within an acidic zone; you run the risk of going through the seven stages of acidosis. Starting with lack of energy to sensitivities to inflammation, and working up to ulceration and degeneration.
The following are questions to Dr. Young and his answers on how emotions can make us sick, tired and fat.
Question: Can negative emotions affect the body's pH? Can negative emotions affect our bodies' health?
Dr. Robert O. Young: My research has continuously supported the theory that there is only one sickness and only one disease. This 25 year body of knowledge, based on the live and dry blood microscopy and dietary management of over 25,000 people, not only considers how your diet affects your physiology, but also how your psychology affects your physiology.
Your mental state is so very critical. Your mental state, in many ways, if it's negative, can create more metabolic acids than the food that you're eating. In fact, you can create two or three times more metabolic acids from your thoughts and your mental state than from ingesting acidic foods, such as dairy or animal protein.
So your thoughts are critical. Your thoughts or words do become matter and can affect your physiology in a negative or positive way. And the way your thoughts become biology is as follows:
when you have a thought, that thought requires energy for the brain cells to produce that thought. As you carry on with any thought that are having, you are using energy. And when you are using energy, you produce a biological waste product called, acid. If the metabolic acids from your thoughts are not properly eliminated through the four channels of elimination--urination, perspiration, respiration and defecation--then the acids from your thoughts are moved out into your fatty tissues and connective tissues. This leads to all sorts of symtomologies such as lupus, fibromyalgia, arthritis, muscle pain, fatigue, tiredness, obesity, cancerous breasts, cancerous prostate, indigestion, acid reflux, heart burn, heart attacks, and the list goes on and on.
For example let's say you are doing sadness or depression. And you are looping a negative experience in your head. Let's say you are constantly thinking about it, it's always on your mind, and you are worried about what you are thinking. You might say you are having feelings or being emotional. Emotions are "energy in motion." When you see someone that's emotional, they are energetic, either in a positive or negative way. And if they are energetic, they are "energy in motion." They are producing metabolic acids at a high rate. The rate of acid production is greater than someone who's jogging or working out. So, your thoughts become biology or metabolic acids that can make you sick, tired and fat.
When you start producing acids with your thoughts, this will activate the alkaline buffering system to neutralize these acids. If these acids are not buffered and/or eliminated, they can create serious health challenges in your body. Positive emotions, such as love, peace, hope, faith, and forgiveness, can all be alkalizing to the blood and tissues. The negative emotions of anger, resentment, and fear are the most powerful and acidifying of all emotions. The fear of the unknown is probably the most powerful and acidic of them all. Fear is so devastating to the body that even if you're on an alkaline diet, overcoming a serious health challenge is practically impossible. In that kind of situation, you might think that the pH Miracle Lifestyle and Diet isn't working. You start thinking "what else am I not doing? What's the matter with me? How come I feel the way that I'm feeling? Something else is wrong. I'm eating the right way and I'm drinking the right water. What's going to happen? What can I do? I'm doing what I'm supposed to, yet, I can't seem to have the type of health and energy that I'm seeking!"
The reason why you don't have the health you are seeking?
You are being consumed by all of these and similar types of negative acidic thoughts. People have "thought attacks" NOT "heart attacks." There are published studies showing that over 80% of all heart attacks are emotionally triggered. People don't just die of a heart attack. They die of a long series of thought attacks, or even one violent and powerful emotional thought attack, that leads to the heart attack.
Question : If a person is eating 100% alkaline diet and is still overwhelmed by negative emotions, can their body fluids stay alkaline? Can these negative emotions overwhelm a 100% alkaline diet?
Dr. Young: If you're eating an alkaline diet and you're overwhelmed with negative emotions, then thank God that you're eating an alkaline diet or you'd be dead or too soon dead. Your acidic emotions can kill you. But the alkaline diet is the saving grace of all of this and provides the hope that you can hang on and be healthy both physically AND mentally. You can live without food for forty days, you can live without water for four days, you can live without air for about four minutes, but you cannot live without hope for more than a second. Hope is the key and that's what the pH Miracle Lifestyle and Diet will also do for you. It will give you understanding, insights, confidence, positive expectation--which is HOPE. It leads to greater peacefulness which comes with hope. The pH Miracle Lifestyle and Diet program gives you the hope and expectations you need to breathe better, to start drinking the right kind of water, and to start eating the right kind of food that will lead you back to the right emotions so that you can start feeling better.
Question: Do emotions have a stronger effect to create body acidity than foods?
Dr. Young: Absolutely! As I have mentioned earlier, your emotions are energy in motion. And when you are consuming energy in your emotions you produce biological waste products called acid. When I have a client that's in negative acid-forming emotions, all the body fluids, including the blood, will show a decline in the pH even if this person has been eating an alkaline diet. In order to buffer the acid-forming emotions, the client will have to hyper-alkalize the blood and then tissues to bring the body back into alkaline balance. When the client is hyper-alkalizing, the pH of the urine will increase into the high 8's and 9's. Hyper-alkalization is necessary in order to overcompensate for the negative acidic producing emotions and to bring the body back to health, energy, vitality, hope, peace, harmony and love.
Question: Can our emotions cause cancer?
Dr. Young: Absolutely. This is beyond doubt and there is much research from both traditional and alternative schools of study to demonstrate this. I have said that cancer is a four letter word - ACID. When you are doing negative acidic emotions such as anger, revenge, hate, sadness or depression, you are creating metabolic acids that can cause ANY and ALL cancerous conditions of the body tissues. If metabolic acids are not removed via urination, perspiration, defecation or respiration, then they are delivered to the body tissues. When constant excess acid from negative emotions are poured into the body tissues, the body tissues will degenerate causing a cancerous condition. Pharmaceutical companies are creating drugs that may give you the illusion of feeling better, but they DO NOT deal with the metabolic acids from negative acidic emotions. This can only lead to more physical and emotional pain.
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